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Oscar’s Philosophy Essay: Young’s Explanation of Oppression

Essay Instructions:

Final Writing Assignment Instructions

Write a 4-6 page (typed, double spaced, 1000-1400 words) paper that completes both of the following steps. The paper is due on Ilearn at the end of the exam week. Late papers will lose 1/2 letter grade for every day they are late.

The syllabus has info on how the papers are graded. There is a link at the top of our Ilearn page about how to write "Philosophical Argument Reconstructions" that will help you write good philosophy papers.

Part 1

Write a brief (2-2.5 pages) exegesis of one of the philosophical theories listed below. An "exegesis" is just an explanation that uses simple terms, illustrative examples, and points out aspects of the idea being explained. When writing an exegesis use your own words. Imagine that you are speaking or writing to a friend who knows only a little about philosophy and that friend needs to understand the concept you are writing about. Be careful that you do not commit plagiarism in this section of your paper. Note that you do not need to do -and in many cases should avoid doing- any research outside of reading the textbook. When you do refer to the ideas in the textbook, cite them in APA style.

-Al Ghazali's arguments for the Philosophical Skeptic's conclusion that we know nothing

-Descartes' Cogito Ergo Sum argument

-Lucretius' Atomism/Materialism

-Berkeley's Criticisms of Materialism

-Berkeley's Idealist metaphysics (all that exists are ideas in our minds

-Russell's position on sense data and real objects

-Libertarianism (about free will)

-Hard Determinism

-Soft Determinism/Compatibilism

-Midgely's Criticisms of Moral Isolationism and Cultural Relativism

-Mill’s arguments that we should always follow the Utility Principle

-Thomson’s claim that there is a morally relevant difference between pushing the fat man off the bridge and throwing the switch.

-Iris Marion Young's explanation of oppression

-Taylor's argument that life is objectively meaningless

-Wolf's theory about projects of worth

-Sartre's theory of Existentialism

-Epictetus' Stoic account of the good life

-Epicurus' account of the good life

Step 2:

Write a brief criticism of the theory you explained. Your criticism can come entirely from your own mind, from things I said in class, or from things other authors said in our textbook. But if you refer to other authors' criticisms and agree with them, make sure to say why you agree and make sure to properly cite your sources using APA format.

Information from your syllabus:

Final Writing Assignments:

The final writing assignment prompts and due date are listed on Ilearn. The assignment requires that you write 4-6 pages (1000-1300 words, typed and double spaced) and hand in your finished assignment on Ilearn. Assignments that are too short will be penalized. All assignments will be graded on a 10 point scale according to the following rubric:

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Oscar’s Philosophy Essay: Young’s Explanation of Oppression
Young’s Explanation of Oppression
In some societies, a few people use their power and status to make policies or choices that cannot be questioned by others even though these choices and policies may be oppressing some individuals or groups within the society. In her philosophical explanation of oppression, Iris Marion Young begins by describing the concepts of justice and injustice. According to her, justice entails placing institutional conditions that make it possible for individual capacities and development to be practiced while also promoting cooperation and communication collectively. Injustice on the other hand involves placing constraints in form of domination and oppression that tend to disable the ability to practice all the mentioned. Young mentioned that oppression would be more relevant in the days of slavery although in the present society it can be seen in five forms, which she referred to as the five faces of oppression. These are exploitation, marginalization, powerlessness, cultural imperialism and violence. Young identified that the categorization of people in society into various social groups is the leading reason for the existence of oppression in the 21st century. Therefore, it means that tackling oppression would involve eliminating groups and instead, treating people as individuals. However, human existence naturally requires the existence of groups implying that the elimination of the same cannot be that easy. Young was able to acknowledge this fact and thus, identified the five faces of oppression as the best alternative solution.
Concerning the first face of exploitation, Young notes that it involves one person taking advantage of another. In other words, the labor and sacrifices made by an individual end up being enjoyed by someone else. Young suggests that this process is unfair since the person that does the real work does not benefit in any way in terms of monetary income but instead, other different persons or groups enjoy the benefits. The second phase is marginalization and on this, Young points out that marginalization involve the excluding of people or group deliberately or unintentionally from certain privileges given to the rest. In other instances, the state may give sanctions that tend to discourage particular groups from participating. According to Young’s theory, marginalization prevents people from accessing equal opportunities given to others hence destroying their lives. Ideally, this is very wrong and therefore justifies it as a form of exploitation. Powerlessness is the third form or face of exploitation and according to the theoretical framework by Young, this entails lacking the kind of authority that professionals have. This is in form of sense of self and status, which the powerless usually do not have (Young, 1990). Cultural imperialism is the type of oppression whereby the culture and experiences of one group that is dominant, are universalized and minority group members are expected to conform to the same. This way, the right to self-expression is taken away from these minority groups, which largely interferes with their ability to be happy. Evidently, the fact that the minority lack the freedom to practice, express and experience their own culture justifies this as an oppres...
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