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Oppression and Resilience Faced by Native Americans in the United States

Essay Instructions:

Hello, I am going to be submitting a 4 part paper to you; this will be done over a period of time. I want the same person to do this 3 part paper plus a PowerPoint.

This first part is going to be 6 pages long, and the oppressed group I chose is native americans

I am attaching the instructions below:

Context, Theory, Model Research Three-Part Paper

This assignment meets EPAS 2, 3, 4, 7, and 9 and aligns with knowledge, skills, values, cognitive and affective processes dimensions. Each student is responsible for writing a three-part individual research paper. Each part is due on a different date (see Course Schedule). The paper must follow APA 7th ed. format for in-text citations and separate Reference pages. Each section of the paper must be run through www.grammarly.com.

Note: The maximum total length for all 3 papers combined is 30 pages (plus reference pages), so estimate that each paper should be no longer than 10 pages (double-spaced, 1” margins on all sides; no cover page or running heads; page numbers; name on first page).

The following structure is to be followed in developing each part of the paper:

Part I: Context Paper (30 points)

Begin by identifying a specific group that has experienced long-term oppression. This section of the paper should articulate the nature of the oppression experienced by the group, and include historical roots and causal factors. You must incorporate a minimum of three (3) recent (2013-present) scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. The paper must also include an exploration of common world views held by group members, as well as strengths and adaptive strategies used by group members to counter oppression.

Follow this outline in constructing your paper:

A.            Describe the selected group and articulate the nature of the oppression experienced the group. ( points)

1.            Identify at least two (2) core challenges currently faced by the group.

2.            Discuss the group’s entry experience in America (how and why did they come here; what type of reception did they receive). [For Native American or First People, discuss the effects of white settlers, genocide, forced removal, etc. and their aftermaths.

3.            Discuss the historical roots and causal factors that brought about challenges for the group. Identify key beliefs policy makers held about the group and key social policies that negatively affect their life chances. 

B.            Describe the common world views, strengths, assets, resiliencies, and resources held by members of this group, including their: ( pts)

1.            Values and beliefs, 

2.            Strengths and adaptive strategies used to counter oppression. (i.e., key movements, community institutions).

Formatting: Write in third person, double space. No cover page or running heads. Place your name on the first page of the paper and add page numbers. Incorporate in-text citations in APA 7th edition format. The last page of the paper is the References page in APA format. Four (4) points will be deducted for APA or grammatical errors; be sure to run paper through Grammarly. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student Name



Professor Name


Part I: Context Paper

Oppression and Resilience Faced by Native Americans in the United States

The Nature of the Oppression Experienced by the Group

Native Americans, often known as American Indians or First Nations people, are a diverse collection of Indigenous Americans who have endured ongoing oppression. These forms of oppression have shaped their communities for millennia. One of the main types of oppression is land dispossession (Burnette & Figley, 2016). Native Americans lived in huge territories, each with its own culture, traditions, and lifestyle. European colonization gradually encroached on and took their ancestral territories. Native Americans were expelled by Manifest Destiny, which claimed a divine right to push westward (Burnette & Figley, 2016). Native communities were forcibly relocated from their lands, causing economic hardship, cultural breakdown, and suffering.

Another major part of Native American oppression was forced relocation- this violence is shown in the Trail of Tears, where the Cherokee Nation was forced into the Indian Territory. These forced marches killed thousands, demonstrating the human cost of such actions (Liddell et al., 2021). Relocations damaged tribal structures, communities, and land-based culture; cultural censorship has been pervasive and sinister (Liddell et al., 2021). Boarding schools forced Native American youth to assimilate and were used to eradicate their languages, traditions, and spiritual practices. This cultural attack targeted Native tribes' identity and resiliency.

Native American experiences are rooted in discrimination, poverty, unemployment, and poor healthcare and education prevail. Negative perceptions and bias perpetuate inequity in interactions with non-Native people and institutions (Liddell et al., 2021). The US has oppressed Native Americans through land confiscation, forced displacement, cultural suppression, and prejudice. Native American communities continue to strive for self-determination and sovereignty and face health and socioeconomic inequities due to these injustices (Liddell et al., 2021). Addressing structural challenges that impact Native Americans and working toward justice and fairness for Indigenous communities requires understanding this history of oppression.

Self-Determination and Sovereignty

Native Americans have always fought for self-determination and sovereignty. The U.S. government has

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