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Challenges And Opportunities Associated With Public Sector Governance

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Opportunities Associated With Public Sector Governance

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* Challenges and opportunities associated with public sector governance
The public sector faces numerous challenges. The public sector is the area that deals with the execution of government’s functions and its responsibilities. First, the public sector faces the problem of delivering skilled and valuable public services in an environment that is fiscally limited; this is due to increase in the recession, reduction of revenue publicly, and increase the levels of debt (Morgan, Shinn & Robinson, 2013). The increase in borrowing financial assistance from foreign countries results to rise of public debt and reduction of the overall, worth of the government. Also growth in population permanently and its aging will pressurize the government, and hence it’s spending increases. It results in the government making trade-offs in order so as to manage the fiscal problem. Technological advancement in the public sector is one of the major issues. The rapid change in technology result to a broad impact on the organization and the delivery of public services to the citizens of that particular country as well as the contribution of people to the sectors.
The emergence of information technology has affected the relationship between the citizens, public servants and Politicians hence discouraging the empowerment of people due to a creation of a society that is more networked. The public sector suffers poor infrastructure and poor management of the asset, due to the government’s poor management of both physical and financial asset which are essential for long-term performance as well as the position of the economy fiscally. Improving the infrastructure of the country and management of the property is the government’s major scheme in the economic growth; hence the failure of the government in performing its responsibility means failure of the public sector.
The local government is faced with the challenge of productivity governance and efficiency since they are required to operate within an environment that is economically constrained. The main problem of these local authorities is balancing the demand for first world services that are sustainable; this is because there are different modes of responsibility the local authorities perform for delivery and assessment. These entails finding efficient and effective gains through the shared services, for example, funding of the public sectors by the local government.
Leaders in the public sectors face the problem of delivering public services competently according to the procedures, processes, and rules which are authorized. Subsequently the senior leaders in the industry likely prone to following and monitoring the standards and also giving clear instructions on the performance of duties, this makes it a challenge for these senior leaders to motivate the employees.
There are the variety of opportunities that are offered by the public sectors. Some of these opportunities are job opportunities (Morgan, Shinn & Robinson, 2013). In the public sector there is a wide variety of employment, and as well as employees, most of these employees are financed by the both national and local taxes from the people’s money. There are millions of people working in different public sectors, some who are employees of the local government as well as the national government.
Secondly, there has been an emergence of public management. This new strategy has placed the effectiveness of the economy and the control of budget as one of the major priority of the government. The aim of the strategy is enhancing how the government responds to the citizens to allocate the scarce communal resources and movement of decision formulating closer to the public sectors. Through this, the federal agencies can maximize profits, cut costs and have invented goals to develop businesses making them similar to private companies. Through this reform, public agencies are called “customers and clients.”
Workers who work in the public sectors get the opportunity of progression in their careers. It depends on the size of the profit-making institutions. These improves their career regarding promotions and moreover being taken to seminars for retraining. Some of the profit making organization invests mostly in their employers and employees in learning in order establish their potential. Some of these training include leadership training and technical training.
III. How public officials undermines and encourages public confidence in government and how they assure the citizens the public sector is working in their best interest.
Some of the civil servants in the government undermine the public confidence. The degree of public trust influences some of the officers in the government to undermine public citizens' trust. The public can be threatened by not advancing the...
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