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1 pages/≈275 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Discussion: Nature and Nurture in Intelligence; how you have used heuristics, algorithms, and other various techniques in personal problem solving.

Essay Instructions:
Answer two questions for this 1 page paper: First question relates to the following website article: http://www(dot)sciencedaily(dot)com/releases/2007/10/071016131452.htm Read the website article and the portion of the chapter on Nature and Nurture in Intelligence (pages 182-184). Discuss your thoughts about which is a better predictor of our intelligence: Nature or Nurture. What do the various theories about intelligence suggest and do they match your thoughts? Review the Figure 7.8 for more information about hereditability. Additionally, discuss your thoughts about the Flynn effect at the end. (Shoud be approx. 1/2 page and a minimum of 125 words). Second question: After reviewing the chapter, discuss how you have used heuristics, algorithms, and other various techniques in personal problem solving. What do you most commonly find yourself using to solve daily problems? It is a specific technique or do you use various techniques for different types of problems? How do your problem solving techniques different from those around you? Do your family members tend to use similar techniques? Make sure to explain at least 2 examples of recent problem solving situations and how you solved the problem, using terms from this chapter. (Shoud be approx. 1/2 page and a minimum of 125 words).
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Discussion questions
Discussion questions
Question one
The nature versus nurture debate is concerned with the importance of a person's innate qualities (i.e. nature) versus individual experiences (i.e. nurture) in causing or determining personal differences in behavioral traits. From the previous theories of intelligence together with my thoughts on the better predictor of intelligence would be Nature; this is because nature ascribes to all the metamorphic factors that shape the genetics inherited by people from their parents and ancestors. It best describes how our intelligence is predicted right from conception compared to Nurture which just suggests that the surrounding environment predicts one's intelligence; this has no fundamental basis.
Flynn effect is an anomaly that defines the increase in average scores worldwide and my thoughts regarding this phenomenon after my research is that...
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