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Non-Native Aquatic Species: Floating Water Hyacinth

Essay Instructions:

This week you will conduct some research on a nonnative species in an aquatic environment and present facts about that organism to your peers. Sometimes humans intentionally or unintentionally cause major changes to ecosystems by introducing new and/or exotic species (e.g., Asian carp).

Watch the video from PBS news to learn about this example of a crisis.

PBS. (2019). Midwest battles to keep invasive Asian carp out of the Great Lakes [Video]. YouTube. https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=lIRXDDG6yB8

Now, visit the following website and research an invasive species currently found in your local area or in a place that you have visited in the recent past. Feel free to use other resources for this exercise.

National Invasive Species Information Center. (n.d.). Aquatic invasives. U.S. Department of Agriculture. https://www(dot)invasivespeciesinfo(dot)gov/aquatic

Select one invasive species you found in your research
What is the aquatic nonnative species you chose, and where is it currently having an impact?
Where did your nonnative species originate?
How did it reach its new home?
What conditions have allowed this species to become nonnative and increase population (e.g., missing predator)?
What effects is it having on its new ecosystem? (Include both positive and negative impacts.)

What, if anything, is being done to control it now?

In the Asian carp example, what could have been done to prevent the negative impacts of its proliferation in aquatic ecosystems?

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Nonnative Aquatic Species
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Nonnative Aquatic Species
The nonnative aquatic species I chose is the floating water hyacinth that is native to the Amazon Basin in South America. This invasive species is a free-floating aquatic plant with thick and waxy leaves as well as air bladders in its leaf stems to keep the leaves afloat. The floating water hyacinth has affected Michigan, particularly western Lake Erie, and can be confused with the pickerelweed, which does not have noticeable air bladders or form thick vegetation mats. It was introduced in the Detroit River and Lake St. Clair through the disposal of unwanted aquarium plants. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the invasive species was introduced in America as decorative pond plants in the 1880s. The floating water hyacinth has no known direct food value for wildlife and tends to reproduce quickly by way of runners or stolons. Consequently, the pest species tend to invade an aquatic body rapidly, thoroughly covering whole surfaces of lakes if it is not controlled.
The plants tend to form ...
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