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Nonidentity Problem on Global Warming

Essay Instructions:

In class, we discussed the nonidentity problem—and how it seems to imply that we do not harm future generations if we allow global warming to occur. What is the nonidentity problem, and how does it have this implication? Is the conclusion correct? If not, where does the argument go wrong?

The aims of this assignment are twofold: first, to determine whether you understand the class material and, second, to evaluate your own ability to construct a rigorous moral argument. I encourage you to write your papers with both goals in mind. Do not presuppose that the reader is familiar with the class material; instead, write your paper aimed at an intelligent person who has not taken this class. To that end, I recommend directly referencing the readings and lectures that bear on your topic. Do not only include quotations, but explain the central ideas in your own words. For this assignment, you are not evaluated based on what your moral beliefs are. As such, your essay should not simply state what you believe, but provide an argument: one designed to convince the reader that you are correct.

You are only allowed to use the resource that I provided. I also provided the grading rubric.

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Nonidentity Problem on Global Warming
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Nonidentity Problem on Global Warming
Over the years, there has been an increase in the debate around climate change. The main question that most people ask is the morality revolving around the whole issue of climate change. Most people have been discussing the impact of global warming on climate change and the character revolving around climate change. Some of the ethical questions that some people ask about global warming are the obligations that people have to help alleviate animal suffering. The next question is whether there is an intrinsic value that the people have to preserve the human race. The next ethical question that other individuals have been asking is if they should divide the obligations to help combat global warming and the criteria they will follow to allocate varying responsibilities to countries. There is also a nonidentity and global warming where some people claim that allowing global warming to occur will cause the existence of different future generations than in the instance where they prevent it. They believe that even though the following individuals could suffer, they could attain a remarkable life, therefore, maintaining the belief that permitting global warming to happen will not harm future generations, which is entirely false.
Literature Review
One of the beliefs that most people have regarding the people who claim that Global warming should continue to be embraced is that the following individuals are selfish. In most instances, the people who claim that global warming will not impact the general public because they want to run away from being closely monitored at different times. Since most people know what they are doing is wrong, they will try to prove it by setting the beliefs they will cover them. For example, one source of carbon dioxide is motor vehicles. Some of the individuals making the following claim are, therefore, those unwilling to be controlled to employ measures that will help reduce the harmful gases they emit into the atmosphere due to their ignorance. The main reason is that if they fail to embrace this claim, it could be evidence that they knowingly did something they know is wrong. This instance, therefore, shows that the following individuals are making these claims out of selfish motives.
The next response that most people made is that if warming is embraced, it will harm many people. The morality of the act is usually checked by the number of people that are being affected. Varying from the normal belief that most people have about global warming, global warming also affects the current generation. This instance suggests that the best decision is the one which is affecting will affect the least people negatively while benefiting more people positively. However, air emissions are likely to involve more people negatively than they will affect them positively. For instance, there have been varying instances where individuals have been affected by global warming. Houghton (2009) highlights that some water sources have been affected by global warming. For example, there have been areas where some waterbodies have dropped while others have dried up.
Before making any decision, individuals should check the number of people affected since it could be immoral to affect a large group of individuals. In most instances, global warming negatively affects a large group of people. Since some people depend on these waterbodies to cultivate, food safety has been negatively affected. This instance has made them start shifting to areas where the climate is not hostile, causing separations of some societies. Furthermore, human health has been negatively affected. The individuals should emphasize reducing the negative impact on the large population rather than on a few people.
Another claim highlights that in addition to caring about the future, individuals must prevent mass extinction by protecting the world against mass extinction. It is, therefore, critical to check how every decision you are engaging in will impact the overall environment. Houghton (2009) highlights that an individual should check how it will affect the ecosystem. There have been instances where it has affected some animals and plants. For example, individuals should always try to take care of the environment and check how their decisions will affect the environment in general. There have been some of the animals which were prominent in the previous years are now extinct. After this damage occurs, it is usually immoral since it is hard to repair. If individuals had protected the environment by managing the factors contributing to global warming, some extinct plants and animal species could still exist. Furthermore, currently, there are still animals and plant species that are on the verge of extinction. If all individuals do not employ measures to manage them, the world will suffer the end of more species. Individuals should therefore be responsible for managing global warming to eliminate instances of global warming.
Furthermore, the author also claims that it could be wrong to permit global warming even in an instance where it will not harm anyone at the moment. Previously, some people have been claiming that global warming does not have the impact that most people have been advocating that it has. The following individuals claim that these individuals have been basing their information based on the wrong data. Furthermore, these individuals have contended that employing measures to control global warming is not appealing to human rights. (Parfit, 1984) highlights that this problem can be solved by applying the principle of Beneficence. This is where the people are supposed to be treated ethically by respecting their decision securing their well-being, and protecting them from potential harm. The individuals should therefore continue to employ measures to protect against instances of global warming even when they believe that it will not cause injury to any person.
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