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The Niger Delta Found in Nigeria and the Increase in Revenue and Resource Control

Essay Instructions:

For your Essay 3:
Select ONE of the natural resources that Dr. Klare discusses.
Research the environmental and health dangers that he mentions, as well as any others you can find and discuss these in detail. Be sure to use multiple sources that are academic research based not web sites supported either by industry or environmental groups that each have an agenda to push.
Research any efforts being undertaken to ameliorate these concerns and discuss if it is sufficient or if the dangers are too great to continue with this extraction method.
Explore which developing countries are impacted by the exploration and extraction of this resource. How has this shaped their economy?
Discuss the growing demand from developing countries for this resource and the equitable distribution of this resource.
Discuss the balance between the need for this resource to continue our life style, the growing economies of the developing world and the need to protect the environment.
What can or should we give up or can we have it all? Will alternative sources that are less threatening to the environment be available in time?
How does the push for controlling greenhouse gases around the world impact the extraction and use of this resource?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Institutional Affiliation
Natural Resources
Natural resources remain an integral part of the society, an aspect that acts as a source of income for different economies. Developing economies are known for their dependence on natural resources in supporting most of their livelihoods. According to estimates, close to half of the population in the world are direct dependants on local natural resources such as oil, minerals, timber among other sources (Gandossi & Von Estorff, 2015). However, recent studies have proved that conflicts and natural resources are correlated, an aspect that is evident in several economies such as Nigeria.
The Niger Delta found in Nigeria has over time been considered as a hotbed of conflicts. This region has significantly been embroiled with turmoil’s that result from the struggle for control of its vast resources, an aspect that has resulted in controversial issues over the causes of these struggles. In close association to these controversies lies the confusion over the increase in revenue and resource control.
As a result of the increasing demand for natural and mineral resources, an aspect that is affected by the degradation of the environment and climatic changes, competitive pressures have been excreted thus creating conflicts between communities over resource ownership, access and use. According to several experts, natural resources have turned out to be the drivers of the growing disputes that have affected national security and peace in many economies (Gandossi & Von Estorff, 2015). In order to solve these problems and establish a viable solution into natural resource extraction and use, this paper seeks to evaluate Dr. Klare’s views on oil production. Klare is known for his vast experience on natural resources, an aspect that forms the foundation of this paper in determining the dangers of these products on the environment and its surroundings.
Background Information
It is estimated that approximately 38% of the world’s crude oil is extracted from the countries in the Middle East and consumed in the global markets. North America is currently perceived as the largest consumer of oil, followed by Europe, Asia, and other world regions. North America imports close to 13.8 million barrels of this product on a daily basis, an element that point out to its consideration as the largest importer of oil products from Middle East (Gandossi & Von Estorff, 2015). Oil from the Middle East countries such as the Persian Gulf is known to account for 20% of U.S oil imports, with this dependence growing each and every fiscal year.
However, it is important to point that U.S remains one of the highest producers of crude oil, with this nation’s current consumption of oil and petroleum products standing at 19 million barrels in a day. In accordance to this, the domestic production rate of this nation fails to handle the demand of this product, hence pointing out to its reliance of imported crude oil from other economies. As a result of the abnormal appetite and dependency on oil products, the United States has seen several of its officials engage in corrupt practices with the aim of obtaining this product from other markets, thus resulting into conflicts (King, 2012). According to several critics, the recent eight-year war between this nation and Iran is perceived as an approach of obtaining oil from this economy. This remains the reason why Michael Klare asserts that due to the increasing demand of this product, and in consideration of its limitations in meeting the needs of the American market, the United States will still remain dependent on imported oil, an aspect that points to the interest of the nation on oil thus outweighing the nations avowed values that support the element of democracy.
Oil Extraction and its Impact on the Environment
Several approaches have been developed in extracting oil that directly has a negative impact on the environment. According to Klare, the process of hydrofracking remains a controversial gas and oil extraction approach that was developed in 1940 with the aim of gaining access to oil and fossil energy deposits through drilling (King, 2012). The process of hydraulic fracturing involves the smashing of rocks will several gallons of water, sand and undisclosed chemicals in order to bring oil and gas to the surface.
This process ensures that vertical well bores are highly drilled several feet’s into the surface of the earth, into the sediment layers, water table and to the shale rock formed beneath the earth with the aim of reaching the oil and gas products (King, 2012). The drillers then make angled horizontal bores, an aspect that requires them to make cement casings that serve as conduit for the volumes of fracking fluids, water, sand and chemicals required in order to crush the rocks and shale. In some situations, before the injection of chemicals into the drilled rocks, explosives are exerted with the aim of opening the bedrocks. These fractures then allow oil and gas to be extracted from the impervious rock formations. Some of the impacts of this process on the environment include;
1 Air pollution
2 The contamination of ground water
3 Exposure to some of the toxic chemicals
4 Fracking-induced landslides and earthquakes
5 Environmental degradation.
6 Gas and oil Spill contamination
Efforts to Ameliorate these Concerns
One of the approaches instituted in ameliorating the effects of hydrofracking is considered to be the phytonic process. This approach of extraction is the newest method of extraction used to access oil in the surface of the earth through the use of non-CFC’s also known as non-chlorofluorocarbons. Also known as Florasol Extraction method, the process was developed to replace destructive extraction methods that are harmful to the environment. Through the use of Florasol, an ozone friendly product, miners are in a position to pose danger to the environment (Gosellin, 2010). This is attributed to the advantage this process posse that ensures the extraction process of oil is done below room temperatures, thus making degradation through the inclusion of high end temperatures ineffective. On the other hand, it is important to note that this extraction method produces pure oil that is free from oxidants and foreign substances.
According to Gosellin (2010), the phytonic process is known for its ability to provide a gentle method of extraction than the use of hydrofracking method that inclus...
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