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An NGO represents a common global approach to combating violence against women.

Essay Instructions:

Perform the following tasks:

***An NGO represents a common global approach to combating violence against women.***





Step 1: Watch the videos above.

Step 2: Research.

Conduct research on the Internet and using other library resources to find three additional NGO’s that are NOT detailed in the videos above in other, different countries.

Step 3: Write a two -page report. (Minimum 500 words)

After reading the descriptions of the three different NGOs, detail their work in your report (I.e., what is their mission, what do they do, etc...). What have they achieved so far? Compare and contrast them to the NGOs in the People’s Republic of China and in the videos you watched. How can someone get involved with these NGO?

Step 4: Cite the sources for your information. __ DO NOT SIMPLY INCLUDE A REFERENCES PAGE!! NOT citing within the body of the work IS technically plagiarism, and not citing properly will result in an extreme loss of points, if not a 0.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

NGOs Combating Violence against Women
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NGOs Combating Violence against Women
An NGO is an organization (non-profit) that functions independently of any government, with a typical purpose of addressing a political or social injustice. Three such organizations that share a common global approach to combating violence against women are COVAW, UN Women, and White Ribbon. Founded in 1995, COVAW is a women rights organization working fervently towards eradicating all forms of violence against girls and women in Kenya. COVAW is committed to combating violence against girls and women and the organization is convinced that a society should depict no form of violence (Higgs, 2015). COVAW asserts that violence against women is a crime and a violation of human rights and that girls and women have a right to state protection (Ochieng, 2007). The mission of COVAW is establishing a society that is free from all forms of violence through initiatives that promote access to justice and women’s rights, advocacy and communications, and movement building and community activism.
Founded in 2010, UN Women strives for the eradication of discrimination against girls and women, empowerment of girls and women, and attainment of equality between men and women as partners and beneficiaries of human rights, development, humanitarian action, and security and peace. The mission of UN Women is developing, upholding, and creating standards and environments in which every girl and woman can live up to her full potential and exercise her human rights. Extraordinary accomplishments have been made by UN Women at the normative level in recognizing the linkages between women’s empowerment, gender equality and the maintenance of security and peace (Women, 2011). Through UN Women, the G8 Declaration on preventing sexual violence was signed. UN Women has successfully supported the rights of women.
Founded by Jack Layton in November 1991, White Ribbon is currently the largest movement of men and boys, working to stop violence against girls and women, promoting healthy relationships, a new perception of masculinity, and gender equity. White Ribbon works to examine the core driver of gender-based violence and establish a culture shift that assists in creating a future absent of violence (Kaufman, 2001). The mission of White Ribbon is creating a future that has no violence against girls and w...
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