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The Social Movement “Black Lives Matters” should be changed to “All Lives Matters” to Include People of all Races

Essay Instructions:

TOPIC: The social movement “Black Lives Matters” should be changed to “All Lives Matters” to include people of all races. 
• You will write an 3 page Argumentative essay (excluding title and reference page) 
• Each member is responsible for a counterargument and refutation on the topic. 
• Each member will need to include the following 
• Thesis Statement
• Introduction
• Counterargument
• Refutation
• Statistics/Facts
• In-Text Citations
• Two References
• Supported details

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Black Lives Matter
According to the official Black Lives Matter site, it is an online forum intended to build connections between Black people and black allies to fight anti-Black racism, to spark dialogue among Black people, and to facilitate the types of connections necessary to encourage social action and engagement. The Organization was founded by Patrisse Cullors, Opal Tometi, and Alicia Garza. It is a platform that strives to go beyond extrajudicial killings of Black people by vigilantes and police.
Black Lives Matter affirms the lives of black queer and trans folks, disabled folks, Black-undocumented folks, folks with records, women and all black lives along the gender spectrum according to their official site. BLM was created in 2012 after the murder of Trayvon Martin where George Zimmerman was acquitted of the crime, and instead the 17-year-old Trayvon was placed on trial for his on murder. More than 500 African-Americans turned out for a peaceful demonstration in Ferguson that marked the initiation of the movement.
From then, BLM has organized regular protests around the killings of African-Americans by police and other issues like brutality by police, racial inequality in the criminal justice systems in U.S and racial profiling. The use of Black Lives Matter instead of All Lives Matter has been a subject of debate with mixed reactions being aired. The name is appropriate, and there is no need to change it since the issues that are being advocated for by the movement evidently affect the African-American people.
The Black Lives Matter movement has received a fair share of both critics and supporters. Other people feel that All Lives Matters should be more appropriate than Black Lives Matter. For this reason, hashtags such as #AllLivesMatter have been initiated to counter the movement. On Real Time with Bill Maher, Bill Maher rallied his support of the Black Lives Matter by saying that using the phrase All Lives Matter would imply that all lives are equally at risk and they are not.
Here, Maher means that black lives are at a more risk in the society than other lives. This is supported by Hillary Clinton, a presidential candidate for the 2016 presidential election when asked what she would do differently for the African-Americans that President Obama did not do for them. She said she would push for criminal justice reforms adding that there is a need f...
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