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The Application of Mobile Technology in the Study and Literature and Language

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Instructions
Question 1: Research Methodology and Critical Thinking
Instructions: As our world become increasingly complex, the need for critical thinkers and researchers increase. People want to understand certain changes in their world and phenomena as it occurs. The academic community requires that some type of theory be linked to any type of understanding used to explain certain occurrences. Gray (2004) noted that “a theory consists of a set of interrelated concepts, definitions, and propositions that demonstrate relationships between variables” (p. 11). As a graduate student, you have been required to conduct research in terms of synthesis of research studies, analysis of the findings, and evaluation any possible linkages, generalizations, and/or provide possible recommendations or suggestions for the area(s) being studied. 
To demonstrate your ability to conduct research, exhibit your research skills and abilities in the form of a mini-research project. In other words create a mini research proposal to address a current issue or social problem in your field of study that may require additional research. Identify a problem or issue then write up a research problem statement to guide you on this research endeavor. With this research problem statement, you are to develop a mini-research project to demonstrate your ability to critically think through a problem situation in today’s workplace/marketplace. The format of the mini-research project proposal is as follows:
• Title
• Problem Statement
• Theoretical framework
• Research questions or propositions
• Methodology and/or research design with limitations
• Results and findings (what do you anticipate to discover)
• Conclusions and recommendations (what assumptions are you making as you propose this study?)
• How do you propose that this research contributes to new knowledge in your field?
Since this research project will not actually be conducted, you may approach this mini-research project from the perspective of a research study proposal. However, you should consider any possible or anticipated results and findings, as well as conclusions and recommendations. Finally, clearly state how you believe—based upon the literature—that the research would contribute to new knowledge in one’s field of study.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Application of Mobile Technology in the Study and Literature and Language
Institutional Affiliation

The Application of Mobile Technology in the Study and Literature and Language
Problem statement
The study defines the implications of the mobile technology in the study and learning of literature and language. It analyses how the technology has impacted the learning process within institutions as a platform for teaching the language and literature. With the application and use of mobile technology, it is essential to offer students the possibility to learn a language at their suitability (Burston, 2016). They can heed to orators conveniently, thereby developing their prowess in the language. The study of a language and literature signifies a demanding adventure characterized by tiresome sessions and appropriate listening skills.
Theoretical framework
The language learning capabilities in technology incorporate DVD players, MP3 players, multimedia cellular phones, and PDAs. In some situations, the technologies have been explored for their application in an educational setting for learning because of their popularity (Rathiga, 2016). The application of mobile technology has become common in numerous settings, including learning and teaching alongside leisure and occupation, in both the informal and formal scenery. With the popularity boosted by the mobile technology, it is worth exploiting it for use in learning among learners. Besides, students are attracted to the cutting edge technology presented in the mobile technology compromising the functionality of the device for its intended purpose (Aamri & Suleiman, 2011). With the favorable popularity of the technology, the study explores the possibility of applying it into the learning curriculum to supplement lectures.
The mobile-aided education system has considerably transformed language learning and teaching. The technology can be exploited in fields such as writing proficiency, listening skills, reading comprehension, and vocabulary. Besides, it is capable of providing various learning experiences (Ting & Tai, 2011). However, few studies have been undertaken in the area focusing on how the technology can be exploited by teachers and lecturers in teaching. The application of the mobile technology for learning and education purpose differs extensively from other technologies because of the widespread adoption of the cell phone. Both the teachers and students are skilled users of the technology because of their prevalence in the market. Therefore, the studies undertaken in the field should not focus on the knowledge of the technology, but the utilization of the technology as a tool for learning and teaching (Fuller & Joynes, 2015). The advocacy for the implementation of the technology in learning systems has been presented by various researchers highlighting the importance and benefits derived from the technological utilization in learning.
The study is centered on the incorporation of mobile technology into the learning scheme of language and literature. The research is conducted through carrying out an experiment. The mobile technology is incorporated into the learning scheme of a particular group. The research will include two groups of persons studying the same language. In one of the groups, the ...
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