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The Mitchell Family Case: Social Work Theories

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The Mitchell family Case – Social Work Theories
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The Mitchell family Case – Social Work Theories
Social work theories describe, explain, and predict various social events based on scientific evidence, studies, and research (Green & Bennet, 2018). The various perspectives of social life relate to philosophy, psychology, and education, amongst other fields that explain people’s drive and motivation at different life stages. These theories are helpful when it comes to case analysis, creation of interventions, and prediction of results within the social setup. Social work theories provide social workers with starting points where they can create various interventions, including planning their work. Such avenues provide social workers with the necessary solutions towards client-related issues anchored by research-based perspectives.
Anti-Oppressive Practice (AOP)
Main arguments of the theory
The AOP practice provides for the various structural inequalities as well as focuses on the intrinsic structures and systems that service users tend to blame (Payne, 2020). Furthermore, the various humanistic and social justice values help when it comes to giving shape to anti-oppressive practices (Healy, 2014). Such features address the existing inequalities that influence various service users’ opportunities due to the interlocking of social practices alongside oppression. In this case study, the objective of AOP is the definition and identification of oppressions, therefore, providing ways through which social workers attempt to become anti-oppressive by avoiding such a level of discomfort that helps end oppressive mechanisms. Further, the AOP highlights mutual involvement existing between social workers and users of services that challenge various forms of oppression, including inequalities.
The aspect of structuralism provides potential options to AOP, whereby it provides potential definitions through structural power and associated inequalities on every group. The process removes the aspect of the blame that an individual may hold and provides the source of their problems as originating from structures and systems that may potentially discriminate against them (Payne, 2020). The model provides that service users usually have interlocking oppressions that cooperate towards placing clients at a social disadvantage. The reason for choosing the AOP is the ability to provide strategies applicable in social work practice that works alongside the service user. Such practices entail critical reflection, critical assessment, and empowerment practices, amongst others.
Why choose the theory?
The anti-oppressive practices operate alongside concepts of structuralism, whereby it helps express the dire need for communication. As per the case study, the AOP practices help promote knowledge and expertise within every situation, depending on the service user. Therefore, every situation applies unique theories and practices since not two situations require the same solution of practices and theories. In this case, the theory utilizes user involvement and participation issues to break down power relations between structures alongside individuals. This is possible by identifying areas with issues as per the steps outlined in practice and presenting users with tangible plans applicable in society.
The anti-oppressive model is applicable owing to the fact that it aims at the promotion of non-oppressive as well as equal relations between the family members. The model help in subverting the presentation abilities that are a potential cause of divisions in society, enhancing solidarity while recognizing the existing social differences between individuals. The AOP works on the principle of justice for every individual, whereby everybody is entitled to justice irrespective of their social status. There is advocating for better treatment of all the family members. However, justice demands that Jenifer deserves the best since she has been in the custody of the children and such effects are the cause of her health deterioration (Payne, 2020).
Analysis of the case study from the perspective of the theory
One of the challenges that single-mothers face entails financial that parades are conflicting demands towards them. The occurrence of post-divorce changes made it difficult for Jenifer since previously, she had been a full-time homemaker. However, post-divorce provided an opportunity for Jenifer to re-examine her gender role and possibly develop a healthier model. Mark, on his side, needed to be more involved in maintaining closer ties with the children to evade incidents of loneliness, as expressed by Amelia.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) provides for the belief that an individual’s thoughts and feelings influence their behavior (Payne, 2020). CBT is essential in helping those with a specific problem to focus on their present thoughts rather than their past. Such problem-focused intervention measures could help Jenifer, daughter, and son deal with their issues by ensuring that they focus on the specific goal. CBT will majorly dwell on refocusing their thoughts towards dealing with current individual problems that would eventually improve their situations.
Post-structuralism theory
Main arguments of the theory
Post-structuralism theory focuses on the existing relationship between subjectivity, social value, and meaning (Teater, 2014). The theory helps in conceptualizing the existing relationship between language, consciousness, and social institutions. The origin of the theory can be traced to Michel Foucault 1973 and Jacques Derrida, who were French philosophers influential within the structuralism ways of thinking (Wendt, S., & Seymour, 2010).
Post-structuralism focuses on the historical emergence of normalization, which provides for the process that classifies people as more or less normal relative to a specific activity (Williams, 2014). The principle behind the classification of abnormal constitutes justification for various interventions that make an individual more normal. In this case, the differences between normal and abnormal are what is allowed and forbidden (Teater, 2014).
Why choose the theory
Post-structuralism has been the choice of the study since it is grounded on the premise of the concept of over-determination despite the concept not representing explicit textual presentations (Teater, 2014). In this case, the concept of over-determination implies representing the absence of break between discourses alongside the objects of discourse. Therefore, the aspect ...
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