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Is Mill's Principle of Liberty Compatible with Principle of Utility?

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Is Mill's Principle of Liberty Compatible with His Principle of Utility?
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Is Mill's Principle of Liberty Compatible with His Principle of Utility?
Mill's theory of utilitarianism is connected with his concept of liberty in various ways. First, he felt that democracies would eventually replace absolute monarchs and dictatorships of the past. However, after the people have gained control of their governments, a new challenge occurs. Mill worried that the people's voice would become the majority's opinion. If the majority acts to repress minority beliefs and lifestyles, liberty and self-development may be jeopardized. A democracy, Mill contended, might rapidly devolve into a majority dictatorship (Mill 1998: p. 21). He maintained that philosophy is needed to prevent democratic majorities from meddling with the freedom of any individual unless their actions do not interfere with the freedom of others.
Contrarily, Mill describes utilitarianism as a theory founded on the concept that activities are suitable in proportion to the extent to which they try to support happiness and bad to the degree they tend to generate the opposite of pleasure (Mill 1998: p. 137). He claims that pleasure may vary in quantity and quality and that delights anchored in one's center frequencies should be prioritized above lower-level pleasures. Furthermore, Mill contends that people's pleasure should be measured in achieving objectives and goals, such as virtuous living. Generally while the utilitarian concept pushes for the maximization of pleasure and utility, there were some notable challenges. Mills expressed reservations about the representative democracy and elected administration. He held a view point similar to his previous argument on liberty that what is often regarded as people's will is the desire of t...
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