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M7A1 Project 4 Assignment: Merton is Theory of Deviance

Essay Instructions:

By the end of this activity, you will be able to:
Acquire a basic understanding of classical and contemporary social theory
Identify and explain the major legal, criminological, and sociological theories underlying the criminal justice system (Criminal Justice Major Outcome #2).
Discuss Merton's theory of latent and manifest functions and dysfunction as an explanation of deviance. Research his Strain Theory and explain whether it adequately explains deviance and crime in our society.
Additional resources used to answer the question need to be identified - wikipedia and other non peer reviewed sources will not be accepted. You may use information from other Sociology or Criminal Justice textbooks.
• Watch/Listen 
o PowerPoint slides for Chapter 9 [PPT File Size 563KB]
o PowerPoint slides for Chapter 10 [PPT File Size 1.2MB]
o PowerPoint slides for Chapter 11 [PPT File Size 1.3MB]
o Introduction to Functionalism [Video File 7 mins 38 secs]
o https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=v48kAslT-cY&feature=related
o Marcuse 1-5 [Video File 9 mins 10 secs]
o https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=ND2rdU5EivE&feature=related

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Merton is Theory of Deviance
Merton’s theory of latent and manifest functions and dysfunction has taken a central role in understanding deviance in society. Merton sees deviance as the inconsistency of what the society defines as success and the appropriate ways the societal culture deems appropriate to achieve that success. If the means used to achieve the societal definition of success are not consistent with the expectations of the society, the individual is perceived to be deviant. Merton also coined the theory of latent and manifest to attempt to explain what causes deviance in the society. He defined manifest functions as those intentional and recognized consequences of an action to the society while latent dysfunctions are the oblivious impact of the same action to the society. Crime in the society can be because of latent or manifest action or actions by an individual or a group of people. In this article, Merton’s theory of manifest and latent are critically evaluated to find out whether they can explain deviance and crime in the society while featuring his strain theory.
Merton perspective of societal functionalism mounts pressure on each person to perform as per the expectations of the society for it to function. He describes a society as a complex system just like the interrelationship of organs in an organism. The input of an individual is important to the society, and if an individual fails to meet the societal expectations, he/she is a threat to promoting stability and solidarity. Individuals who are unable to keep up with the societal expectations are therefore labeled deviant irrespective of whether their actions are intentional or not. Some individuals opt for unconventional means to play their role in the society which amounts to deviant behavior. Therefore, functionalism is a major contributor to deviance as it mounts pressure on individuals to act and perform in particular manner or standards to play their role in the societyCITATION Rob12 \p 65 \l 1033 (Brym & Lie, 2012, p. 65). The pressure often leads to deviant behavior and threatens the solidarity and stability of the society either intentionally or unintentionally. Merton went ahead to explain five modes of adaptation which individuals take up to for the goals and means the society has imposed on them.
In any society, Merton’s discrepancies that come between the societal culture and expectations and structural opportunities lead to deviance. In an attempt to explain how individuals, respond to the cultural norms, Merton coined five types of deviance. The types of deviance are forms of adaptation individuals resort to achieve the societal goals set for them by the society. The strain theory coined by Merton explains the deviant methods the people opt for when they cannot work within the structure the society has produced to achieve their goals. Though the ultimate goals are common, the methods to reach those goals often do not take the standard approach as expected by the society or articulated in their culture. The mode of adaptations to reach the goals set by the society and targeted by the individuals varies among members of any particular social group within the same society.
Conformity, as a type of deviance, requires the individual to conform to the society’s dominant culture to attain their goalsCITATION Mer59 \l 1033 (Merton, 1959). Following the predetermined path by the society to reach the common goals, the society expects him/her to conform to its cultural norms, values, and goals. In most cases, conformity is the default path to success and happy life for everyone and therefore each member of the society has to follow and stick to the preapproved plans to guarantee themselves a success. For example, if a child needs to be successful in future, he/she is taken to the school where he/she must perform well and get good grades that can get him/her in college. After college, the society expects the person to get a good paying job that guarantees him/her success according to the society’s perception. The society provides the means and offers the path to follow to attain the goals it has set for the individual. Therefore, in conformity, the society sets the goals and provides the path it expects the individual to follow to achieve those goals. Consequently, it is not necessary for the individual to engage in deviant behavior to reach those goals.
In modern society, each social group has set group goals for each person in the society and set a definitive path for them to follow to reach those goals. All members of the society irrespective of their social group have goals they have to achieve. Most people conform to the system so as to fit in the society and avoid being labeled rebels. In most cases, the society has devised ways to force the people to conform to the dominant culture and set forth stern warnings and penalties for non-conformists. The society sidelines the non-conformists in its functionalism agendas and threatens to disassociate them from its social groupings. For example, the children who do not perform well aca...
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