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Men and Women's Work in American Society

Essay Instructions:

Please read the two articles and summarize using your own words.

What did you learn from the article? Do you agree or disagree with the author? Do you have any other opinions, ideas, or questions about the article?

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Article Summary
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Article Summary
Article One: ‘Racializing the Glass Escalator: Reconsidering Men's Experiences with Women's Work’ by Adia Harvey Wingfield
Sociologists noted that jobs are segregated by sex, resulting in varied professional experiences for men and women. Each job has a perceived set of traits deemed suitable, resulting in a confrontation of concepts faced by either gender daring into these professions. A majority of men trained and working in designated feminine professions are believed to be advantaged by a glass escalator effect that pushes their career upwards and encourages their mobility in these professions. According to Wingfield (2009), there is evidence backed by research that specific characteristics of the exchanges, expectations, and norms in women-dominated careers escalate men upward and outward into positions associated with higher social status, better pay, and give more manly feelings. Such positions are the higher positions with a career. Wingfield (2009) established that most studies on the effect of glass escalators focus on minority men; as such, there is insufficient research that explicitly investigates the interaction of racial dynamics and the working of the glass escalator concerning these men’s careers in female-dominated fields. In that regard, the study found that an interaction of the glass escalator effect with racial dynamics negatively affects black men in women's careers. Instead of having their careers advanced through structural advantage, they experience biasness, strained working relationships, and patient stereotypes. Wingfield (2009) concluded that the glass escalator effects work based on the race of the man in question. As such, there is a need to investigate the concept further. The main lesson from the article is that career advancement is based on more than qualifications. I agree with Wingfield (20...
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