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Analysis of Major Survey Methods

Essay Instructions:
A Sociology graduate student wants to explore university students' attitudes toward gender equality in professional programs (e.g., medicine, law, business) at UVic. Construct an example of a close-ended question that s/he might use in a survey to assess/gauge such attitudes. Then discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of using self-administered questionnaires, in person interviews, and telephone interviews as survey methods in such a study.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Running Head: Analysis of Major Survey Methods
Analysis of Major Survey Methods
Student’s Name:
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Advantages and disadvantages of main survey methods using a case study
Sampled case: University students’ attitudes towards gender equality in professional programmes
The area of research creates various areas that generate varied debate. One such area is the methods to use. Questions used in sample are the most common and the most popular one happens to be close-ended question in a questionnaire or any other form of interview to get responses that will build the conclusions and recommendations. According to Allyson, H, Melanie, G. C & John, A. K (2003), close-ended questions limit the respondent’s answers to the survey by providing a predetermined set of dichotomous answers. These answers can range from yes/ no, false/true or they can be in the form of the more complex ranking format. The ranking format uses the Likert scale where a statement is given and the respondents can rank it in various given scales such as from strongest to weakest.
To ground the argument about the suitability of the close-ended questions, a situational survey of the University of Victoria’s student’s attitudes towards gender equality in professional programmes can be used. The sample question in this case would be; the university students at University of Victoria are very concerned over gender inequality in the professional programs which discriminate against women. The responses given would be to rank this statement as, true/ false/ or not sure. Form the statement, it is obvious that some bias is out rightly present as argued by Kreuter, F, Preser, P & Tourangeau, R (2008), in their research on the method.
However, the question of the suitability of various questionnaires methods goes further. The self-administered type...
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