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Media Diary: Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Essay Instructions:

The diary is your opportunity to think critically about something in the media that caught your interest that week. The diary entry could be about a news story you read, a YouTube video you watched, a song you listened to, or just about anything else you experienced in the media. This posting is about you, your interests, and your opinions.

The requirements for this assignment are:

The media experience should be current, from this week.

You should describe the experience, explain why it caught your interest, and analyze it using the ideas and techniques we learn about in class.

Each diary entry should be about 300-350 words in length to receive full credit.

Write your diary entry in the text box provided.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Media diary
Institutional Affiliation
My media experience is an article by the New York Daily News on “Health risks revealed for coffee roaster workers.” The article informs that according to scientists in the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, people that work in coffee houses or companies whose duties include; roasting, weighing, grinding and packaging coffee are at risk of respiratory health problems. Their conclusion, informed by assessments of respiratory problems among workers in such jobs that emanate from exposure to harmful coffee compounds such as diacetyl, identified respiratory problems such as whizzing, sinus, and other lung diseases.
The article caught my eye first, because of my love for safeguarding healthy living. Living a healthy life is one of my primary interests because, I believe that my body is a sanctuary and to maintain it, I have to observe various precautions when it comes to food and drinks I consume, as well as, practices I adopt. Thus, I read news articles, magazines, and watch news features on...
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