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The Meaning of the Americans According To Robert Platinum

Essay Instructions:

Dear writer could you pls write a reaction paper on this book " Our Kids, The American dream in crisis"

by Robert Putnam

Please write 5 pages reaction paper on the book that answers the following questions,

Based on Putnam's

Based on the author, what does american mean to you ?

Do we live in a country that rewards hard work equally?

Do these stories and his analysis make you feel less confident or more confident about pursuing a career in public service?

Please expand as much as you can.

here below is the link for the book, there are websites were u can find the free online book. thank you very much


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Reaction Paper
Institution Affiliation
A person raised in the United States enjoys many benefits compared to those residing in the developing nations. Majority of the Americans believe that any person can be prosperous in the future provided that he is informed and aggressive. However, the social setting of an individual determines the range of the benefits a citizen can possess. The children whose family lineage is wealthy are likely to become richer in future than those from the indigent family upbringings. This paper reacts to the Robert Platinum’s claim that the vision of the American children is in a disaster.
The Meaning of the Americans According To Robert Platinum
Robert describes a widening social gap between the Americans in the occupied and the poor classes. He explains the differences which exist among the family members of these two cases. The children of the comfortable people securely pursue their career dreams to attain a bright future. The lineage of the high class people is well endowed with resources, thus enabling their kid to enjoy all the benefits in life. However, the destitute people struggle in life. The children living in abject poverty hardly complete their academics. They face enormous challenges while pursuing their career paths, hence failing to finish their basic and tertiary education (Trappenburg, 2016).
Therefore, the family setting determines the meaning of the Americans. Some household factors govern the meaning of the citizens. These include the domestic fortune, having two parents, and the parental training levels. The youths whose parents are imprisoned or without work-life balance may face challenges in their lives. Besides, the children struggle to survive if their guardian is poor and uninformed. The social disparity in the United States is significantly increasing in the modern society (Trappenburg, 2016).
Putman states that the children from households with established networks are more likely to secure employment opportunities than those from poverty-stricken backgrounds. In addition, they can easily circumnavigate the lengthy educational formalities. Previously, the needy students participated in the non-collegiate functions to get connections. This is however outdated since the percentage of the needy students has greatly decreased in the society. The percentage of the children from the high-class families participating in these activities has increased, thus surpassing their poor colleagues. This has set a big blow to the disadvantaged toddlers in the community (Trappenburg, 2016).
Also, the Americans espouse with people from an identical social class. The wealthy children associate with those from high class. Besides, the poor find themselves marginalized and relating with their unfortunate equivalents. There is no spiritual or ethnic exclusion in the country although the interval between the opulent and the needy is widening in the modern United States. Majority of the people consider this new development as the contemporary drift in the socio-economic stratification (Trappenburg, 2016).
Mothers with tertiary qualifications mostly defer reproduction and matrimony until they are twenty years of age and above. However, the secondary school leavers are married in their tender ages. Consequently, late wedding enables the wealthy progenitors to amass resources to raise their children. This explains the reason behind the discrepancy in the economic status between the unfortunate and wealthy family settings (Trappenburg, 2016).
The Reward of Hard Work in the Country
The citizens believe that hard work leads to achievements and chances. However, the American society does not equally reward industry. An individual may put a lot of effort in work but remain poor. There is income inequality between the rich people and the needy in the United States. The poverty in the society leads to low training standards especially among the needy families. They find themselves working for long hours under hardship conditions. The families are not well connected, thus hindering them from securing well-paying jobs. Consequently, they fall prey to casual jobs with poor working terms and conditions (Cayetano, 2016).
Moreover, a weak-wealthy student is at a greater probability of graduating than a bright-poor student. The needy teenagers are subjected to many examination failures despite being bright and hardworking. The poverty in the family, ignorance and having a single guardian may precipitate this result. This clearly indicates a disparity in the performa...
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