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4 pages/≈1100 words
Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 17.28

Can the MDGs eradicate extreme poverty?

Essay Instructions:

the email which i have attached a lot of pic is the topics of my three order--three separate order with three different topics. read the pic that i have gave to u through email, you will find the topic. the previous order is #1, and this is #2, i will place #3 order right after this one, basically,this is the same instructions with the previous order, but different topic.


U.S. Economic History



International Political Economy, 5e, Thomas Oatley (IPE)

            Kicking Away the Ladder, Ha-Joon Chang (KAL)

            The Globalization Paradox, Dani Rodrik (GP)


Course Objectives:

            After completing this class, students should be able to:

  • Understand and distinguish the perspectives or paradigms within which scholars approach the field of international political economy.
  • Understand basic concepts and methods of Economics, Political Science, and History (such as the development over time in the modern world of “the state” and “the market”) as they apply to the postwar world system.
  • Recognize the value and importance of approaching a subject from an interdisciplinary standpoint.
  • Explain the growth and development of the types of economic and political systems, and their international interaction, in the post-World War 2 era.
  • Understand how contemporary international monetary and trade regimes work, and how these developed out of prior international arrangements.
  • Understand the basis for conflict and cooperation between and among states in the current world system.
  • Recognize the differences in economic and political “development” among countries in the international system, and evaluate the theories and perspectives explaining those differences.
  • Understand the basis of current conflicts and issues in the international political economy, trade disagreements, conflict over the role of multinational corporations, the world debt crisis, the role of international institutions, IMF, World Bank. etc.).





Evaluation of student performance will be based on weekly quizzes, three argumentative essays, and class participation.  The relative weights are as follows.   A grade scale is listed below and each component is described in more detail.



            Quizzes                                   30%     Every Friday

            Position Paper #1                    20%     10/21

            Position Paper #2                    20%     11/18

            Position Paper #3                    20%     12/9

            Engaged Attendance              10%     Daily

            Total                                       100%


            100-94 A, 93-90 A-, 89-87 B+, 86-83 B, 82-80 B-, 79-77 C+, 76-73 C, 72-70 C-,

            69-67 D+, 66-60 D,  59 > F






Quizzes will be multiple choice, T/F, and/or short answer.  They will be given every Friday.  You will be allowed to drop two quizzes.  No makeups will be given.


            Position Paper

            The position papers should be 3-4 page argumentative essays.  You will pick a “Policy Analysis and Debate” topic from the IPE text.  They can be found on pages 41, 75, 99, 131, 151, 199, 221, 239, 267, 286, 315, and 335.   Each of them gives a brief overview of an issue and question to be answered.  They also offer up different possible policy options and a few questions to help you analyze those options.   You must choose  a position and defend it.  I expect you to make use of and cite at least three sources other than your textbook.             


            Some general rules apply to the writing assignments.  First, all of these assignments should be typed, double-spaced, using standard font sizes and margins. Second, your grade will be based in part on whether or not you have expressed yourself clearly. Spelling, grammar, and organization matter. Third, if you use material from any source, you must clearly indicate your source, and if you directly quote any material, you must clearly indicate what has been quoted (along with indicating your source). If you quote material without clearly indicating so, you will receive a 0 for the assignment. If you have any questions about this, please discuss them with me. Finally, late assignments will not receive full credit. If you know that you are going to miss class on the day an assignment is due, please make some arrangement for getting the work to me before class.  Late work will be docked 10% a day.  


If you need help with writing, then please visit the Writing Lab.  The earlier you make contact with them the better. http://bellevuecollege(dot)edu/asc/writing/


            Engaged Attendance

Participation points will be based on random attendance checks. Students will also be expected to arrive on time each day.  Attendance will be called at the beginning of class.  I will select 11 days at random and grade your engaged attendance.  You must not only be physically present, but also mentally engaged. I will drop the lowest of the 11 and the remainder will equal 10% of your final grade.  Attendance and preparation matter to your grade!!!


            Instructor Expectations

                        I expect students to show up to class prepared, participate in discussion, and not     distract other students.  If you and your personal electronics become a distraction to other      students, then you will be dismissed for the day and warned.  If it is a recurrent problem,       then you will be referred to the Vice President of Student Services for removal from the       class and any disciplinary action that office deems appropriate.



Class Calendar


Week 1  9/23

  • Syllabi and Introductions 
  • Cohort Formation, IPE 1 –International Political Economy
  • IPE 2 – The WTO and the world trade system


Week 2 9/30

  • IPE 3 – The Political Economy of International Trade Cooperation


Week 3 10/7

  • IPE 4 – A Society Centered Approach to Trade Politics
  • IPE 5 – A State Centered Approach to Trade Politics


Week 4 10/14

  • IPE 6 – Trade and Development I: Import Substitution Industrialization
  • IPE 7 – Trade and Development II: Economic Reform


Week 5 10/21 – Position Paper #1 Due 10/21, NO class on 10/23

  • KAL 1 – Introduction: How did the Rich Countries Really Become Rich?, GP 1 – Of Markets and States, GP 2 – The Rise and Fall of the First Great Globalization
  • KAL 2 – Policies for Economic Development, GP 7 – Poor Countries in a Rich World
  • KAL 3 – Institutions and Economic Development, GP 8 – Trade Fundamentalism in the Tropics
  • KAL 4 – Lessons for the Present


Week 6 10/28

  • IPE 8 – Multinational Corporations in the Global Economy
  • IPE 9 – the Politics of Multinational Corporations


Week 7 11/4

  • IPE 10 – The International Monetary System
  • IPE 11 – Cooperation, Conflict, and Crisis in the Contemporary Int’l Monetary System


Week 8 11/12 – No class 11/11

  • IPE 12 – A Society Centered Approach to Monetary and Exchange Rate Policies
  • IPE 13 – A State Centered Approach to Monetary and Exchange Rate Policies


Week 9 11/18 – Position Paper #2 Due 11/18

  • IPE 14 – Developing Countries and Int’l Finance I: Latin American Debt


Week 10 11/25 – No class 11/28, 11/29

  • IPE 15 – Developing Countries and Int’l Finance II: A Decade of Crises


Week 11 12/2

  • IPE 16 – Globalization: Consequences and Controversies
  • GP 9 – The Political Trilemma of the World Economy


Final Exam Period  - Monday 12/9 - 11:30 a.m. - Position Paper #3 Due


This course schedule is intended to give students an idea as to the content of the course and a rough reading schedule.  It is not meant to be taken as fixed, permanent, eternal, etc.   If the need arises changes will be made.


Affirmation of Inclusion:


Bellevue College is committed to maintaining an environment in which every member of the campus community feels welcome to participate in the life of the college, free from harassment and discrimination.


We Value our different backgrounds at Bellevue College, and students, faculty, staff members, and administrators are to treat one another with dignity and respect.



Student Code:


“Cheating, stealing and plagiarizing (using the ideas or words of another as one’s own without crediting the source) and inappropriate/disruptive classroom behavior are violations of the Student Code of Conduct at Bellevue College.  Examples of unacceptable behavior include, but are not limited to: talking out of turn, arriving late or leaving early without a valid reason, allowing cell phones/pagers to ring, and inappropriate behavior toward the instructor or classmates.  The instructor can refer any violation of the Student Code of Conduct to the Vice President of Student Services for possible probation or suspension from Bellevue College.  Specific student rights, responsibilities and appeal procedures are listed in the Student Code of Conduct, available in the office of the Vice President of Student Services.”  The Student Code, Policy 2050, in its entirety is located at: http://bellevuecollege(dot)edu/policies/2/2050_Student_Code.asp


Disability Resource Center (DRC):


The Disability Resource Center serves students with a wide array of learning challenges and disabilities. If you are a student who has a disability or learning challenge for which you have documentation or have seen someone for treatment and if you feel you may need accommodations in order to be successful in college, please contact us as soon as possible.


If you are a person who requires assistance in case of an emergency situation, such as a fire, earthquake, etc, please meet with your individual instructors to develop a safety plan within the first week of the quarter.


The DRC office is located in B 132 or you can call our reception desk at 425.564.2498.  Deaf students can reach us by video phone at 425-440-2025 or by TTY at 425-564-4110.   .    .  Please visit our website for application information into our program and other helpful links at www(dot)bellevuecollege(dot)edu/drc


Social Science Division Policies can be found at: http://bellevuecollege(dot)edu/socsci/student_policies.asp Please familiarize yourself with them. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

#2: Can the MDGs eradicate extreme poverty?
Course number
Instructor’s name
Governments agreed to lower the number of people living in extreme poverty by half by the year 2015 through the millennium development goals (MDGs). Developing countries are required to establish policies for empowerment and gender equality, make significant improvement in child and maternal health, achieve universal primary education, lower prevalence of HIV/AIDS, eradicate hunger, improve environment sustainability, reduce the number of child deaths and increase global development partnerships. Developing countries vary in their incentives to effectively use development assistance and this doubles industrialized countries efforts in their development assistance commitment. This is because they often require assisting the recipient countries to establish incentives that allow proper utilization of foreign aid. Many least developed countries lack the necessary governance structures necessary to effectively implement foreign aid as well macroeconomic policies that spur economic growth. It is however noteworthy that developed countries must embrace foreign aid and full grants as necessary in the quest to eradicate extreme poverty. MDGs are an important development tools for assisting developing countries to eradicate poverty as well as in tracking their progress toward development.
Highly developed countries pledge to contribute 0.7 percent of their gross domestic product towards development assistance for the low income countries. However, even with this contribution, one in every four people which is a significant number of people live below the poverty line. This notwithstanding, on a global scale, countries have indicated significant progress in achievement of the MDGs. Some of the areas that have registered promising changes include improved access to safe water, improved gender equity in access to education, and reduced poverty levels. The world met the primary goal of reducing the number of people living under $1.25 a day in the world by 50 percent. Countries in Asia such as Chin have contributed significantly to the reduction of poverty from 43 percent to 21 per cent between 1990 and 2010 because they had already embraced industrialization efforts long before launching of the MDGS (McArthur, 2010).
The areas with the least progress include reduction in hunger, rates of primary school completion, number of deaths for mothers and their children, and sanitation. The areas of improvement vary in different parts of the world. For instance, Sub Saharan Africa (SSA) registered an increase in primary school enrollment, reduction in HIV/AIDS infection, malaria and TB, child health in terms of immunization, and gender empowerment (Ampomah, 2011). SSA trailed in indicators such as poverty reduction, employment and many health aspects (Ampomah, 2011). Foreign aid contributes little to higher economic growth although it yields positive changes quality of life improvement in terms of factors such as reducing the poverty gap ratio and reducing the number of underweight children (Garces-Ozanne, 2011).
It is unlikely that SSA will meet all the MDGs by 2015 because it requires higher economic growth. In 2007 the Africa Progress Panel indicated that SSA requires moving its GDP growth from the prevalent 5.4 percent to & percent to make significant changes in lowering poverty. On average, SSA governments require $262 excluding $219 for debt servicing to meet the MDGS. Each person requires about $53, $35, $29, $27, $47 to cater for health, education, infrastructure, and energy. They also require an additional $ 60 to cater for other obligations such as military ...
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