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Marxist Perspective on International Relations: What Caused the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Essay Instructions:

Use a thinker from the past and apply their theory or frame of understanding to a current event in international relations.


Can choose any thinker from the list or other thinks you may know who are not on the list

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Development of International Relations Thought
Karl Marx was renowned for his ideological contribution to politics, sociology, philosophy, and theory development. The current conflict between Russia and Ukraine can be explained from a Marxist perspective. Through the Marxist view, it is possible to understand the causes of the war and what motivates the parties involved. This will assist in understanding the actual causes of the war away from the propaganda and ill ideologies advanced by the western media.
Keywords: Marxism, Russian-Ukraine conflict, antagonistic interests, imperialism, international relations.
Development of International Relations Thought
Karl Heinrich Marx is a renowned German philosopher, political economist, sociologist, theorist, and author. He has made numerous contributions to the world, which influences current events and the approaches applied in the international sphere. With the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the international scene has been shaken, with numerous geopolitical predictions made by experts. However, comprehensive approaches can be used to explain the current happenings. Notably, the Marxist perspective is vital in understanding the conflict's issues, its major causes, and how individuals can deal with the arising matters. The thinker to be used is Karl Marx, and the Marxist perspective on international relations will be applied, trying to understand what caused the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
One of the most prevalent aspects is that truth is seldom said or publicized through the conflict. This is seen in the Russian military intervention or attack in Ukraine. However, a proper application of the Marxist perspective can highlight the issues and eliminate the chaff from the truth. With a practical application of Marxism, we will understand the causes of the conflict and the interests of all involved parties. We have seen diverse justifications of the various parties involved in most instances. Therefore, this can be attained when an analytical eye is applied to the interests of the working class at the center (International Marxist Tendency, 2022).
From the Marxist view, the intervention of Russia in Ukraine is rejected outrightly. However, the basis of the rejection is never based on propaganda or lies perpetrated by the mass media. One of the issues affecting the conflict is the United States and western powers' imperialism (Woods, 2022). The denial of Russia's engagement in Ukraine is centered on a violation of 'international law' and 'national sovereignty.' While these statements are made, it is known that the western nations have been at the forefront of undermining international law and national sovereignty, especially the invasion of Vietnam and Iraq, and facilitating political assassinations across the world (International Marxist Tendency, 2022). The goals of these actions are to pursue their own imperialist goals primarily.
Karl Marx advanced the idea that "all of human history can be explained and predicted by the competition between antagonistic economic classes" (Tomar, n.d., p. 3). Therefore, Marxism presents an alternative understanding of the relationship between Russia and Ukraine and how it is based on th...
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