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Social Sciences Paper: Martha Craven Nussbaum Profile

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Social Sciences Paper: Martha Craven Nussbaum Profile

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Profile Essay
Martha Craven Nussbaum
Martha Nussbaum is a 69-year-old American philosopher who is currently a distinguished service law and ethics professor at the University of Chicago. She is a slim, tall and light skin woman. She has blond and long hair. Nussbaum is a knowledgeable philosopher with a wide intellectual interest across the fields of Roman Philosophy, ancient Greek, political philosophy, ethics, feminists and animal rights. She is a well-known scholar in the field of philosophy and has published several books such as the ‘The Fragility of Goodness (1986) and many papers. She has received over fifty honorary awards for academic excellence.
Her peculiar character is manifested in the way she controls her emotions and especially those that are beyond human control. This was exhibited in 1992 when her mother was dying in a hospital Philadelphia when she was lecturing at Trinity College in Dublin. Nussbaum was to visit her mother but could not secure a flight, and she had to travel the following day. Despite the emotions of losing a loved one, Nussbaum stood strong and delivered her lecture on the nature of emotions that evening. "I thought it was inhuman and I should not have done," she said, "but I was there, and I could not see why I should not have done it." Nussbaum surprised many. When she travelled to Philadelphia, Nussbaum could prepare lecture notes for her next lecture after her mother's funeral. And when she got to the hospital where her mother was lying dead, she got a little emotional and wept. After a short while, she chose to overcome the emotions by going out to run on track for four miles. "Everyone is mortal, and we should not get stressed over what is beyond our control," she says. Another intriguing character of Nussbaum is the industrious nature. Immediately her mother was laid to rest; she returned to college to deliver her lecture. She could not take a single day at home after the burial. When asked why she could not spend some days after the burial with the bereaved members of the family, she says "when I am not working, I feel lazy and guilty." She is an exceptionally industrious woman who cannot spend a day without working.
The interview took place at Harvard University during her visit to the institution. The interview was arranged for a lunch break and took place for about half an hour. It took place on face to face roundtable. She was seated directly facing the interviewer. There were no detractions within the environment and the interview proceeded well. Nussbaum likes interacting with young people and sharing her stories and encouraging young people to be industries. This made the interview lively as she inspires people through her life stories which she loves sharing.
Surprisingly, Nussbaum favorite meal is chocolate. "Chocolate is sweet and is my favorite," she says. It is what made me curious to know why she is not fatty and she said that she does rigorous exercise whenever she is free which include running a couple of miles. Nussbaum likes music especially European classical music. She says music is what keeps her lively when she is bored and tired in her office. However, Nussbaum is not a fan of films. "The only thing I watch when am in my house and am free is baseball," she says "baseball is my favorite sport." Being a scholar, Nussbaum spends most of her time reading philosophical books and writing papers as well as publishing books. She loves research and writing papers that improve her understanding of various phenomena such as feminism and same-sex. An example of a book she has published is the Sex and Social Justice.
Regarding possessions, Nussbaum a car and a house among others but her most treasured possession is the collection of lovely elephants. She does not like to talk much about her material possessions as she did with intellectual knowledge ac...
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