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Mandated Reporter and Their Roles

Essay Instructions:

Based on this week’s readings, answer the following questions:

1. As you review the NYS Mandated Reporter Resource Center site, discuss the ways the information and resources on the site will be useful to you as a New York educator.

2. Reflect on what it means to be a “mandated reporter.” When considering the role of a mandated reporter, which personal strengths and/or personal or community resources do you think will help you successfully fulfill your responsibility to protect the children in your care?


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Mandated Reporter
Student’s Name
Course Number and Name
Instructor’s Name
Mandated Reporter
Usefulness of Information and Resources
Being a mandated reporter involves reporting suspected child abuse or maltreatment with a reasonable cause. Conventionally, mandated reporters are social workers who have expanded reporting requirements. While executing their official or professional roles, they have an obligation to report any suspected child abuse or maltreatment (Office of Children and Family Services, n.d.-a). As a New York educator, the information and resources on the Mandated Reporter Resource Center would be helpful in diverse ways. 
To begin with, the information has critical insights into how to prevent child abuse and maltreatment, which are prevalent throughout New York State. For instance, “New York Loves Safe Babies” is a visual presentation for infant and young children caretakers (Preventive Services, 2023). Since, as an educator, I am a caretaker of young children, the presentation would provide me with helpful strategies to keep them safe and free from any form of abuse or maltreatment. In the same vein, the resources will alert me of the grave dangers associated with abusive actions, such as shaking an infant. Being armed with such incisive information is paramount because it can significantly help me create awareness among infant caretakers in New York on how to care for children under their charge.
Secondly, the resources contain crucial information on how to identify instances where a child is undergoing abuse or maltreatment from either their parents or legal guardians. For instance, unexplained injuries, being afraid of going home, and shrinking at the approach of adults should alert me that a child is going through abuse (Grant, Home, School, and Community Collaboration, 2019). Similarly, ...
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