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Major Paper Letter to the Editor: Junction City Daily Union

Essay Instructions:

How many times have we heard someone complaining about something happening in our communities--but offering no solutions for the problem? This assignment is designed to develop your problem-solving skills and engage you in a substantive conversation concerning a current local issue. This assignment will also encourage you to begin seriously considering your audience as a writer. When you are writing a letter such as this, you'll want to consider who will be reading it, particularly in terms of what words, examples, facts, or appeals might best convince this particular group.
The Assignment:
* Write a two to three page (double-spaced) letter to the editor, proposing a solution to a current local problem. List the newspaper to which you would be sending this to at the top of your paper. Begin the letter with: "Dear Editor," Throughout the paper, be as specific as you possibly can in terms of:
1.) Defining/describing the problem and who it affects
2.) Describing your solution
3.) Defending your solution as the best means of dealing with this problem
As you're writing this letter, also do keep in mind your audience.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Papers on the following topics will not be accepted: 
* abortion
* capital punishment
* euthanasia
I've already read more papers on these topics than anyone should in an entire lifetime, so I won't read anymore. I encourage you to be more creative in selecting your topic. For the Letter to the Editor, you should also be choosing a topic that is far more specific and local than any of these broad controversial issues.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Letter to the Editor
To: Junction City Daily Union
Dear Editor,
          The issue regarding environmental pollution have been an age old problem already. Today, most of us would think that talking about this is not relevant anymore since there are all kinds of efforts, works, and projects which are dedicated towards saving the environment. Aside from this, I believe that social and local media have prioritized more “sensational” news as compared to matters like this. However, I would just like to impart my idea on ‘basic recycling and segregation’. I know that this is very mundane and perhaps, “un-newsworthy”. Even so, I would still like to give it a try and impart my insights.
Last week, an NGO came to our place and invited most of the people to attend a forum about Recycling and segregating. The event is named “Money from trash”. Every household in town were invited. The program it totally free and the brochures that they were handing out were very interesting. They were talking about how much we and the Earth could save if we recycle. According to them, “Each ton (2000 pounds) of recycled paper can save 17 trees, 380 gallons of oil, three cubic yards of landfill space, 4000 kilowatts of energy, and 7000 gallons of water. This represents a 64% energy savings, a 58% water savings, and 60 pounds less of air pollution” CITATION recnd \l 1033 (recycling-revolution.com, n.d.)! Just imagine how much energy and resources could we save from that. Despite all these benefits and enthusiasm, only 2 percent or five people from our town attended.
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