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M6A1 Project 3B: Mead's Concepts of Self and Society

Essay Instructions:

By the end of this activity, you will be able to:
Be able to explain the historical context of core social theories
Acquire a basic understanding of classical and contemporary social theory
Analyze social phenomena utilizing theoretical frameworks (Sociology Major Outcome #2)
Explain Mead's concepts of Self and Society and whether Symbolic Interactionism can explain the impact of TV, video games, and mass media generally on the development of the self. If so, how?
Project 3B (1200-1500 words) is due at the end of Module 6
• Watch/Listen 
o PowerPoint slides for Chapter 8 [PPT File Size 1938KB]
o PowerPoint slides for Chapter 12 [PPT File Size 1447KB]
o Jason Campbell's 6 videos 
-Video 1 [Video File 9 mins 38 secs]
-Video 2 [Video File 9 mins 42 secs]
-Video 3 [Video File 9 mins 45 secs]
-Video 4 [Video File 8 mins 48 secs]
-Video 5 [Video File 8 mins 48 secs]
-Video 6 [Video File 4 mins 41 secs]

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Mead’s Concepts of self and society
Mead has made a great contribution to contemporary philosophy and has redefined how individuals and society perceive each other and interact thereof. Mead’s approach to the contemporary theory of symbolic interaction is scientific and philosophical thus making him pass compelling arguments on his opinions about the central theoretical influences of his work; behaviorism, pragmatism, and evolutionism. In social psychology, his arguments and opinions place him within the discourse of introspectionism and behaviorismCITATION Cor02 \p 4 \l 1033 (Waal, 2002, p. 4). Throughout Mead’s works, his compelling arguments on the definition of the mind, self and society have revolutionized and revamped the philosophical field. He has coined the definition of mind from its relation and dependence with its ulterior factors that determine the outcome of thought. He has also coined the definition of self and society and their inextricable relationship that craft the human behavior. It is about his works that in this essay, I am going to critically analyze the concepts of self and society as depicted by Mead and if symbolic interactionism can be used to explain the impact of TV, media and video games in the development of self.
Mead's work focuses on the process of formation and development of self. Social self, as defined by Mead, depends on the point of view that the self raises out of social interactions, i.e., interactions with others, one’s perception of himself/herself, and internalizing external opinions and internal feelings about oneself CITATION Geo09 \l 1033 (Mead, 2009). The social aspect of self fronted by Mead revolutionized philosophical definitions of self. Most classical sociologists founded their definitions, ideas, opinions, and perception of self on biological and inherited traitsCITATION Bry99 \p 238 \l 1033 (Turner, 1999, p. 238). Mead, however, contrary to their opinions, asserted that self is not synonymous to birth or other acquired traits, but it is formed and developed over time by social experiences and activities surrounding the individual. According to Mead, a child’s self is non-existent at birth, but it is gradually developed by being receptive to experiences and conscious of the activities within its environment that build it. He fronted several ways in which the self is developed and construed to react to the environment and experiences around the life of the child.
Mead asserts that language is one of the key elements that help humans develop self. Self, develops by allowing individuals to respond to each other through and convey opinions and attitudes towards a subject or person. Language encodes a message to another individual through symbols, words sounds and gestures to help him/her form a mental representation of the message to understand the meaning. Play also plays an integral part in the formation of self through allowing individuals to assume different roles CITATION Geo09 \l 1033 (Mead, 2009). Through role playing, one’s self-consciousness develops and the person can internalize the perspective of others and share the feeling and experience other people go through in varied situations. Role playing forms mental representations of other real life experiences and alleviate the perception and understanding of other peoples’ lives. Games also play a critical role in shaping and developing self. Games condition the individual to understand and adhere to rules of activity. The rules that set the game parameters develops self to understand that abiding by the rules is necessary to win a game or become successful in an activity.
According to Mead, there are two phases of self; ‘I’ and ‘me.' The two phases maintain a didactic relationship whereby ‘me’ exercises a societal control over oneself whilst ‘I’ upholding the societal expectations CITATION Geo09 \l 1033 (Mead, 2009). ‘Me” is considered to derive its character and influence self from the behavior, attitudes and expectations of the society in which is referred to as generalized other. ‘Me’ tends to represent the past of self and is mainly a product of knowledge of the society and social interactions that the individual has gone through. The ‘I’ tends to represent the future and the present of self. The ‘I’ gives a reflective identity of an individual based on ‘me.’ ‘I’ phase of self is based on the external information ‘me’ receives from the environment to deduce the appropriate action the individual will take. It might be a decision consistent or inconsistent with the societal expectations, but that is the elements is referred to ‘I’ and helps build self. Cooley built on Mead’s work through i...
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