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M5A1 Assignment Project 3A: Minority Status of Women

Essay Instructions:

By the end of this activity, you will be able to:
Be able to explain the historical context of core social theories
Analyze social phenomena utilizing theoretical frameworks (Sociology Major Outcome #2)
Demonstrate an understanding of individual and group differences and alliances and explain how they may be influenced by race, gender, sexual orientation, age, class, religion and/or disabilities (General Education Goal 5, Outcome #14)
Explain racism in the US using W.E.B. Du Bois’s concepts of the color line OR explain the minority status of women today using Gilman’s theoretical reasoning.
Project 3A (800-1000 words) is due at the end of Module 5 and is worth 5% of your grade.
PowerPoint slides for Chapter 5 [PPT File Size 1704KB]
PowerPoint slides for Chapter 7 [PPT File Size 1935KB]
Feminism Theory [Video File 20 mins 55 secs]
W. E. B. Du Bois Overview (Moyers) [Video File 9 mins 45 secs]
Double Consciousness [Video File 1 mins 46 secs] by W.E.B. Du Bois
Double Consciousness [Video File 9 mins 28 secs]

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Minority Status of Women Today Using Gilman’s Theoretical Reasoning
Statistically, women are not a minority group. Women are almost the same number as men in many societies and global statistics show the difference is not significant. However, they are considered a minority since they tend to be accorded less power and privileges than men by the society. In this paper, Gilman’s ideas are used to explain the minority status of women in the contemporary world.
The socio-biological underpinnings of gender difference are magnified to depict women to be weaker and unable to accomplish some tasks without help from men CITATION Sco08 \l 1033 (Appelrouth & Edles, 2008). Gilman opines that women are oversexed and their gender is given special attention which is unwarranted. The idea sinks into women that because of their biological differences with men, they are unable to achieve or accomplish some tasks on their own. Gilman agrees that biological differences exist, but they do not in any way undermine their abilities and women ought to break the glass ceiling to reclaim their rightful place in the society. They don’t need to expect preferential treatment based on gender or their biological characteristics, as it makes them dependent on men. She asserts that biological differences might be existent but should not be big enough to be used against them and label them weaker compared to men.
Gilman points out some distinct characteristics of women that she proclaims make them superior. The feminine characters of love and service, if considered, place women above men CITATION Cha15 \l 1033 (Gilman, 2015). She affirms that women naturally are more compassionate and peaceful than men. The society, however, underappreciates these feminine qualities and instead labels them as weak. Gilman’s argues the innate nature of womanhood is love and service and shouldn’t be taken advantage of; instead, it should be promoted and appreciated to break down the status quo. From Gilman’s ideas on biological differences, women aren’t minority over biological differences, but the skewed interpretation of their character by a patriarchal society deprives them equal recognition unfairly.
Gilman observed that gender differences had been emphasized by the society through socialization. The society has set a predefined expectation of women and hasbeen institutionalized through socialization. For example, some colors are considered feminine, and others are masculine. Such distinctive expectations have forced the society to overlook the significance of women in the society. The symbolic interactionist theory explains why the society nurtured children to be different. She argues that girls are trained to be ...
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