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Local and Community Responses to Conflict 2

Essay Instructions:
I have to write a blog reactions to timely news items or media source that you have found that relate to the course topic. I will send it to you the course topic too. Posts should be between 500-700 words each. Your news-related posts may go up at any time you\'d like during the semester, however you must have all your posts up by the end of the last class. Blogging is a less formal medium than essay-writing, and we will discuss the expectations for blog posts in class. In general, even if you are somewhat more casual in your writing, you still must use correct grammar, spelling, capitalization, full sentences and paragraphs. Your posts should reflect your opinions on the material you are grappling with, whether that material consists of course readings, news items, or both. You must, however, explain and substantiate your opinions. For example, it is not enough to say, \"I thought the author of this article was wrong\", but rather you should tell me \"I thought the author of this article was wrong, because I don\'t think that tactic was implementable in this particular context, and let me tell to you why.\" Please do feel free to link to other sources online thback up your points or have informed your opinion. When referencing any texts, you do not need to fully cite them, but you must still tell us the author, publication and page number you are referring to.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Local and community Responses to conflict
Conflict can be described as an unavoidable part of human relationship, but depending on how it is managed, conflict can be either constructive or destructive. There are several types on conflict, but these depends on what is being argued upon and most occurs when people disagree over something alleged as fundamental. It`s true to say that we live in a structure that both creates and maintains among and between communities on the root of class, sexual orientation, race, and gender identity as well disability. In simple terms, such kind of system works to ensure that marginalized people remain the same even if they try their best to win their freedom.
While looking at the John Lowman article on marginalized people, we realize that he argues that many people who are mainly committed to community growth, population health as well advocating for the impartial treatment and wellbeing of marginalized groups must acknowledge that one must address a person as well a community social determinants of health. The dilemma is that the only people who know the marginalized group well is those who represent them. In this case, youth serving organizations are beginning to recognize that to truly serve the communities they seek to, they must as well be youth-led.
The response on Canadian sex worker industry is one of my concerns while responding to Lowman article. Initially, I would acknowledge that more than 80% of the sex workers in Canada take place indoors, home or even in business. In the same way, most ...
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