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Liberal Arts, Diversity and Cul Research Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Part 1: Topic and Outline 1 Page

You have been examining the liberal arts disciplines throughout this course. You have also wrestled with complex ethical dilemmas, as well as issues and concerns around diversity and communication. All of these activities have required you to apply your critical thinking skills. In Essay 3 you will have an opportunity to explore a particular liberal arts discipline and examine the history of how that discipline interacts with diverse peoples, cultures, and groups.

Please select ONE of these disciplines:

Fine arts: painting sculpture, and/or architecture

Performing arts: you should most likely pick only one or two of these to focus your essay on:  dance, theater, music, and/or film

Literature (you may wish to focus on a country, region of the world, or continent)



Anthropology (cultural anthropology would be best)

The Sciences (these will be hard to research separately, looking at the natural science fields as a whole will be easier. Try STEM fields as well which includes Engineering and Math with the natural sciences is a hot topic currently)

Other discipline?  Please discuss with your instructor

Outline Requirements:

Construct a title, proposal, research question, and short outline around your selected discipline and the following statement: “The discipline of ZZZ has struggled with the ethical and fair treatment of people from diverse backgrounds and women entering or working in this field since it was founded.”

Clearly identify the liberal arts discipline of your choice

Devise a clear precise research question around the topic of fair and equitable treatment for a specific group, such as women, racial or ethnic groups, different cultures, etc. within this disciplinary field. Not all disciplines will cover all groups, but most will cover at least 2 or 3.

Your outline should include:


Historic data

Today's data

Change over time

Be sure you examine the issues of minorities and women. (Your discipline may also include specific religious groups who were ostracized.)

Compare the discipline's progress to others; how does it compare? What is the social context?  (Ex: The civil rights movement of the 1960s had a huge impact on society, but what was the impact on the discipline or field? Think about baseball and Jackie Robinson.)

YOUR analysis and examination of possible solutions you have found, as well as your own ideas to build your conclusion.

None of these components should be written in paragraph or essay form; you should just provide core ideas. Bullet-points are fine. You haven't got all the facts yet, just show that you know where you will be going.


Excelsior OWL

Purdue OWL

Part 2: Essay: 3 Pages

You have been examining the liberal arts disciplines throughout this course. You have also wrestled with complex ethical dilemmas, as well as issues and concerns around diversity and communication. All of these activities have required you to apply your critical thinking skills. In Essay 3 you will have an opportunity to explore a particular liberal arts discipline and examine the history of how that discipline interacts with diverse peoples, cultures, and groups.

Please select ONE of these disciplines:

• Fine arts: painting sculpture, and/or architecture

• Performing arts: you should most likely pick only one or two of these to focus your essay on: dance, theater, music, and/or film

• Literature (you may wish to focus on a country, region of the world, or continent)

• Sociology

• Psychology

• Anthropology (cultural anthropology would be best)

• The sciences (These will be hard to research separately—-

• ences (tr, music, and/or filmseat abundantly, mblsihed he course of our lives. looking at the natural science fields as a whole will be easier. Try STEM fields, as well, which include engineering and math with the natural sciences, the latter a hot topic currently)

• Other discipline? Please discuss with your instructor

Please include the following in your essay:

Start with the history of your chosen discipline, when and where was it founded and who were the “founding fathers.”

Place this in a historical context, for example: “ZZZ began as a scholarly discipline in 16th century Europe. At this time, most women were not allowed to attend college and further their education. People in Africa and Asia were making discoveries in this field but were not recognized or considered by the European founders of the discipline.” (Give examples of overlooked or ostracized individuals to support any claims.)

Consider how advances in social justice and ethical treatment have helped your discipline to improve its treatment of women and minorities over time, or has it? (Be sure to use up-to-date research. Check the dates on your sources!)

Discuss whether any of the promises made about equality and opportunity for women and minorities are actually being fulfilled and why or why not. (Be specific: what is being done, and is it working?)

Include any other factors that may be at play here. (financial, political, colonialism, nationalism, etc.)

Examine the facts in relation to the factors at play and use this understanding to build a logical and informed conclusion. Have you found any solutions in your research for the issue? If so, include them in your discussion/conclusion, along with your own ideas about how this discipline can and/or cannot overcome its historic under representation of women and minorities.

Additional Requirements and Resources:

A minimum of four resources from academic publications found in the Excelsior Library

750 – 1250 words of writing. This does not include the title page or reference page. Please organize your paper based upon the approved outline and your faculty feedback.

Grammatically correct sentences. If you need assistance, free tutoring is available through Smarthinking. You can link to it under “Learning Resources” in your Table of Contents.  It is the link, “Free Tutoring.”  To receive assistance on how to write essays, you can refer to the Excelsior OWL. 

Use APA citation guidelines. If you need assistance, please refer to either of the following online writing labs:

Purdue OWL

Excelsior OWL

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cultural Anthropology
Institution of Affiliation
Cultural Anthropology
Part One
Anthropology is the study of human past, society or nature (Gandhi, 2014). It is a liberal art discipline that draws attention of people as social creatures interacting amongst themselves in their environment. In other words, it is a discipline that aims to disclose what necessitates being human. Anthropology entails five sub-disciplines. They include archaeology, biological anthropology, cultural anthropology, applied anthropology and linguistic anthropology. Thus, anthropology is a broad subject. However, the study will focus on cultural anthropology. Cultural anthropology is the study of culture and human society (Dartmouth, 2016). It analyses, describes and interprets cultural and social similarities and differences. It includes the study of social institutions, for instance, kinship, law, family, religion, political organization, economic organization, marriage and interrelationship among these groups. Hence, cultural anthropology is the study of humankind patterns and relations among people of different cultures and origin.
The first steps towards establishing of anthropology as a science were taken in France (Eriksen and Nielsen 2014). Baron de Montesquieu published ‘the Spirit of Laws.' Montesquieu recounted different legislative systems from a diversity of cultures. He saw the legal system as a facet of the social system entangled with characteristics such as politics, demography, kinship, economy, slavery, polygamy and even religion. Thus, anthropology emerged as a discipline through many upheavals and transitions. Today cultural anthropology, a discipline of anthropology, tries to apprehend cultures as a primary instrument through which individuals adapt to the environment. To subsidize the total understanding of cultural anthropology different sub-fields have emerged. They include political anthropology; deals with the forms of governance as well as norms of regulation. Ecological anthropology studies the connection between people, their culture, and the environment. Development Anthropology focuses on human beings welfare, development and progress. Medical anthropology, concentrates on understanding of people in connection to their health, religion anthropology; draws attention to the role religious practice play in shaping people's culture and familial anthropology; focuses on evaluation families of diverse cultures in their societies (Gandhi, 2014).
Part Two
The exact time anthropology began is not well established. Moreover, from ancient periods people were curious about their neighbors or even people of different cultures. They intermarried, criticized their neighbors, narrated stories about others or fought with each other (Eriksen and Nielsen 2014). Thus, making it a hard task for one to establish the period anthropology has existed. However, some scholars trace it back to the European enlightenment that occurred in the 18th century. Others argue that anthropology began after the First World War, while others believe it rose as a science in the 1850s. These contradictions make it difficult for an individual to predict the exact time of origin. However, a majority of intellectuals belief anthropology originated in the ‘western’ countries. The countries include Germany, Britain, USA and France. Similar to the evolution of science anthropology is associated with ancient Greeks (Eriksen and Nielsen 2014).
Research shows that ear...
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