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Leadership Traits, Behaviors, and Styles. Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

All of you have probably read quite a bit about the world’s wealthiest man—Bill Gates. But some of you are probably not nearly as familiar with Bill Gates’s main rival and world’s seventh wealthiest man—former Oracle CEO Larry Ellison. Ellison recently retired as CEO but is still active as the chair of Oracle’s board of directors. Unlike Gates, who is relatively reserved, Ellison is known for his extravagant lifestyle and boastful interviews.

The rivalry between Ellison and Gates is legendary, but not quite as much is known about Ellison’s leadership style. He has been described as a “jerk,” and his managerial style has been described as “take no prisoners.” While he is unquestionably a very strong leader, he has also been criticized for spending a lot of time playing golf while leaving many leadership duties to his subordinates.

For this assignment, read up on leadership traits, leadership behaviors, and leadership styles in the required background materials. Then read up on Larry Ellison and find as much as you can about his personality and leadership style. Finally, try to apply what you’ve read in the required background materials about leadership traits, behaviors, and styles to what you found out about Larry Ellison.

Here are some articles to get you started on your research about Ellison:

Mendleson, R. (2010, November 8). Why it pays to be a jerk. Canadian Business, 83, 28-30, 32, 34. [ProQuest]

Leibovich, M. (2000, October 30). The outsider, his business and his billions series. The Washington Post, p. A1. [ProQuest]

Hymowitz, C. (2005, July 12). Working fewer hours is hard for most CEOs, but some find a way. Wall Street Journal, p. B1. [ProQuest]

Once you are finished with your research on Ellison and have thoroughly reviewed the background materials on leadership traits, behaviors, and styles, write a 4- to 5-page paper addressing the questions below. For each answer, make sure to cite at least two of the Case Assignment articles listed on this page as well as one of the required textbook chapters from the background materials—for example, Hiriyappa (2009), or Bauer and Erdogan (2012).

How would you describe Ellison’s personality and leadership traits? Refer to the specific leadership traits discussed in Hiriyappa (2009) or Bauer and Erdogan (2012).

Would you describe Ellison’s behavior as being task-oriented, or people/relationship-oriented? Refer to Hiriyappa (2009) and Bauer and Erdogan (2012).

How would you describe Ellison’s leadership style? Consider the leadership styles discussed in the “Types of Leaders/Leadership Styles” section of Chapter 10 of Hiriyappa (2010).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Leadership Traits, Behaviors, and Styles
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Leadership Traits, Behaviors, and Styles
The leadership of an organization plays an integral role in its success. Without effective leadership, success is not guaranteed, particularly in the modern competitive business environment. A key question in organizational behavior is ‘what makes an effective leader?’ While there exist common traits that describe successful leaders in the business environment, Larry Ellison seems to possess different traits, but has been successful in leading Oracle to be one of the biggest technology firms in the world. Ellison possesses a combination of traits that set him apart from other leaders in the business. This paper examines the personality, behavior, and leadership exhibited by Ellison.
Ellison’s Personality and Leadership Traits
Ellison exhibits a series of personality and leadership traits that make him a different yet successful leader. According to Hiriyappa (2009), the Trait Theory stipulates that there are particular sets of traits that are necessary for an effective leader. The author also points out that there exist certain characteristics relating to one’s personality that makes them an effective leader. Ellison possesses distinct personality traits that distinguish him from other leaders. First, Ellison comes out as intelligent. In the article by Mendleson (2010), Ellison is described as a person who understands himself and the people he needs to work with.
Given that he understands himself, he is in a position to manage his emotions and consequently make sound business decisions. With the ability to understand the people he needs to work with in order to achieve success, Ellison can be described as an emotionally intelligent person. It is deducible that this trait has been instrumental in success as the leader of the Oracle. Mendleson (2010) describes Ellison’s decision to hire former Hewlett-Packard CEO Mark Hurd as ‘spot on.’ The decision helped the shares of Oracle rise by 5.5%, while that of HP dropped 1%. This decision among others, depict Ellison as an intelligent person.
Another trait that describes the leader well is self-confidence. This is one of the personality traits associated with effective leadership, according to Hiriyappa (2009). Right from the start of Oracle, Ellison was confident in his abilities to make the company succeed. His confidence in the company was evident when he bought 60% of its shares while the other partners shared the remaining portion Mendleson (2010). Furthermore, Hymowitz (2005) points out that Ellison rejects the management model followed by many CEOs. This shows that he is confident in his way of things and it is deducible that this aspect contributed to the success of the company to a great extent.
Determination is another key trait that can be used to describe Ellison. He was determined from the beginning to make the company a success. Through his determination, Oracle continually acquired many other companies as it sought expansion. One specific example is the acquisition of PeopleSoft. Hymowitz (2005) describes the 10.6 billion acquisition as ‘bitterly fought’ while Mendleson (2010) describes it as ‘ruthless.’ It is evident that Ellison was determined to do what it takes to expand his business.
Ellison’s Behavior
Ellison can be described best as being task-oriented rather than people/relationship-oriented. Throughout his life and ca...
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