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Kantian Theory on Abortion

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Part 2 of the Essay Project will be a discussion of your guiding question using deontological thinking. In preparation for writing, you will need to consider how you would answer your question, on the deontological assumption that the moral rightness or wrongness of actions is determined by the agent’s motives for acting. Use Kant’s ethical theory as your framework. Consider following the Categorical Imperative and respecting the autonomy of persons as the proper standards for evaluating actions. Decide how those standards relate to the particular question you are posing, what you think the results of applying Kant’s theory would be, and what (if any) challenges you find in trying to apply that standard to come up with a definitive answer to your question. Then, write a short essay that takes your reader through that process. In the essay, do the following: 1. Provide a one-paragraph introduction that tells the reader what the guiding question is, what answer you think a Kantian would give to the question, what your main claim (thesis) about the process of thinking through the issue from a Kantian standpoint is, and how the remaining paragraphs of the essay will provide support for that thesis. 2. Describe Kant’s ethical theory in enough detail for your reader to understand the basics of the view and what it tells us about making judgments concerning the moral status of actions. 3. Discuss the steps involved in the process of applying the theory to the issue in an attempt to answer your guiding question. 4. Reflect on the process itself, the results it yields in relation to your question, and your own reasons for accepting those results, rejecting them, or withholding judgment. 5. Provide a one-paragraph conclusion that reminds the reader what the guiding question is, what answer you think a Kantian would give to the question, and what your main claim (thesis) about the process of thinking through the issue from a Kantian standpoint is. Before submitting the paper, be sure to review the rubric below. When you are ready, attach and submit a text document (DOCX, DOC, or PDF) to this drop box. Notes on Turnitin Turnitin is integrated into Canvas, so you should submit your script in Canvas, NOT the Turnitin website. 2022/10/26 16:59 Essay, Part 2 https://psu.instructure.com/courses/2203718/assignments/14202383?module_item_id=36188929 2/3 Turnitin will produce an originality report. See the Academic Integrity section of the Syllabus for information about the potential consequences of plagiarism and other violations of academic integrity. Grading Rubric Ratings Full Credit: Completion of each task in clear and precise language Satisfactory: Completion of each task with some room for improvement in clarity and precision Unsatisfactory: Completion of each task with real problems in clarity and precision and/or spelling and grammar; failure to complete one of the tasks Unacceptable: Failure to complete more than one task No Credit: Not demonstrated Tasks This assignment is made up of several major tasks. The scores in parentheses for each task are based on the ratings and listed in the same order (full credit, satisfactory, unsatisfactory, unacceptable, no credit). Introduction (15/12/8/5/0 PTS): Tell the reader what the guiding question is. Tell the reader what answer you think a Kantian would give to the question. Tell the reader what your main claim (thesis) about the process is. Tell your reader how the remaining paragraphs of the essay will provide support for that thesis. Description of Theory (25/20/15/10/0 PTS): Describe the main claim of the theory. Identify the key concepts involved in that claim. Explicate how each of these key concepts is defined within the context of the theory. Explain how the theory provides a tool for ethical deliberation. Application of Theory (25/20/15/10/0 PTS): Discuss what, in general, you have to do in order to use the theory as a tool for answering your question. Discuss what specific facts need to be involved in the process. Explain what happens when you plug those facts into the formula provided. Reflection on Results (25/20/15/10/0 PTS): Discuss the challenges you faced in using the formula to provide a definite answer to your question. Compare the answer the theory appears to provide to your own sense of what the right answer might be. Discuss what this process makes clear to you about the theory, the particular question, and the relation between the two. Conclusion (10/8/6/4/0 PTS): Remind the reader what the guiding question was. Remind the reader what answer you think a Kantian would give to the question. Remind the reader what your main claim (thesis) about the process was.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Kantian Theory on Abortion
The issue of abortion has raised a discussion on whose rights supersede the other, especially following the United States Supreme court ruling that made abortion illegal. The guiding question in the scenario is whether unborn babies have human rights, and if so, does the mother's right to abortion matter, or does the baby's right matter? Based on the principle of the Kantian theory, the most probable answer would consider abortion as being illegal. This is because it is against the rule of the categorical imperative and goodwill.
Description of Theory 
The Kantian theory is based on the idea that it is impossible to have something in the world that can be considered absolutely good without some limitations. According to the theory, an action can only be considered morally right when the action is motivated by a sense of goodwill, duty, and the notion of the categorical imperative. The categorical imperative argues that every individual should respect the humanity in others and, therefore, everyone's action should be based on the rules that could hold everyone. The theory further argues that moral law is the truth of reason and that this law binds every living thing. 
The Kantian theory is vital in ethical deliberation because it helps lay the ground for the best action. The theory advises people to believe in free will. The approach helps to understand what they need to do in scenarios that harm others by ensuring that these people engage only in actions per the universal moral law. However, it might not be possible to know all matters reflecting on moral law results in justified belief in them, which results in rational faith.
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