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Introduction to Critical Thinking

Essay Instructions:
Research papers that will require you to assess the validity of the studies in question. To accomplish this, qualitative assessments about the research must be made by comparing, contrasting, and synthesizing what the research says. In this assignment, you will begin to develop this skill by comparing the three research studies Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment: Perform the following tasks to complete this assignment: 1. Write an essay of 750 words. In your essay, compare the three studies. Include the information from Articles below. The paper should include the following sections: Topic: Introduction to Critical Thinking Article 1 Transformational Leadership in the Public Sector: Does Structure Matter? Wright & Pandey Article 2 The Effect Of Transactional and Transformational Leadership Styles on the Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction of Customer Contact Personnel Emery & Barker Article 3 Leadership practices of school counselors. Mason & McMahon - Introduction - A comparison of the research questions posed for the studies - A comparison of the sample populations used - A comparison of the limitations of the study - A conclusion and recommendations for further research. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Critical Thinking Name: Institution: Introduction For more than 2500 years the concept of critical thinking has been developed, to bring a more radical thinking process to the table. While there are many definitions that have cropped up to explain what critical thinking really is, it is fitting to say that it is the disciplined intellectual process that actively with great level of skill conceptualizes, analyses, synthesises and applies information and knowledge that has been acquired or that which has been observed or even generated (The Critical Thinking Community, 2013). It is not limited to one subject or discipline but traverses across all the various fields of information, with utter precision, clarity, sound judgement and reason. One of the articles that have been evaluated is Transformational Leadership in the Public Sector, by Wright and Pandey, where they assess if the structure of an organisation affects leadership within the public sector. The article tries to analyse the characteristics of the public sector with regard to the obstacles it represents towards leadership that is transformational. This way it is easier to see through the effectiveness and the performance within the municipal institutions. The article by Emery and Barker, zeros in on how the organisational commitment and the customer satisfaction from the job, are affected by leadership styles such as the transformational and transactional leadership, especially in the banks and the food stores. The article by Mason and McMahon, elaborates on how leadership skills can influence the kind of counselling that the schools practice. A comparison of the research questions posed for the studies Wright and Pandey`s research question drives the entire research towards establishing if indeed there are structural influences when it comes to the way an organisation integrates the transformational leadership style within the public sector. Ideally the characteristics of any organisation with regard to the structural alignment, will either hinder the chances of realising the benefits of the transformational leadership, or simply allow. This is one of the factors that greatly affect how the organisation performs. As much as the style of leadership will have some form of influence in the long run, the structure and the characteristics of the system are at the core of determining the kind of success that the organisation can gunner especially in the public sector. Customer contact and satisfaction is one of the most sensitive areas of transactions as it affects the route future business is going to take with regard to the customer base. If the customers are not satisfied by the kind of services they are getting at the organisation, they are likely to pull out. While the two types of leadership are crucial to any organisation, transformational leadership is more relevant when it comes to aspects such as the company`s commitment to delivery and job satisfaction (Wright & Pandey, 2013). In the service sector such as the banking and food stores, selecting the right leader will mostly lean towards those with the transformational ...
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