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Interview Techniques and the Application of Professional Development

Essay Instructions:

I recently took a course at a military post where I underwent instruction about Interview Techiques

I have to write an essay about advance writing it must be writing from my perspective of how the class went and answer the following questions. I took notes, that I feel are important to the subject.

Each essay should be well written and should describe your activity and present your opinion on the applicability of your new knowledge and PD experience. Each PD experience will be unique, depending on your interests, expectations, and results.

Make sure you answer the following questions:

What were the educational benefits of the PD experience?

Did you meet people who work in your area of interest? If so, how do you plan to stay in contact with them?

Were you able to use your education and prior coursework experiences to identify any theoretical or methodological strengths or weaknesses in the materials presented for your PD experience?

How will you apply the PD experience to your future professional goals and objectives?

Professional Development Session Summary

Senior Capstone: Business

Include a separate “sessions summary” page when you send your PD activity reports to the school. Record a PD activity summary for each of your two required experiences using the following guidelines:

Event information and contact hours Include the name of the activity and attach a copy of the agenda or flyer, if available

Date and time of session

Names of instructors and/or presenters (include titles and credentials)

Preparation hours Preparation date(s) and number of hours spent planning

Activity hours Event start time and end (subtract break time from total hours)

Reflection/summary hours' Time spent on your summary report preparation, including date(s) and hours.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

PD Experience
Students Name
Course Code: Course Name
Institution: Department
Instructors Name
Date of Submission
PD Experience
What were the educational benefits of the PD experience?
The personal development lesson had the intention and mission of enhancing how individuals interact with others during interviews. Ideally, interviews are meant to give an insight about a person to another. For instance, during a job interview an applicant is expected to explain about their job experience. They may also be required to describe the contributions they expect make in the company when hired. Therefore, the interviewer must have the right questions for the applicants to guide the on what to present during the interview session. During the PD experience, I learned that specific laws govern the interview processes in public and private institutions (Transition Assistance Program, 2021a). Often, the laws require that individuals conducting interviews consider the conditions, either physical, emotional, or spiritual of an individual. Discrimination is also an issue that I learn is prohibited by law and is punishable in a court.
Additionally, in my experience, I learned about the common mistakes people make during and before interviews. Most individuals focus more on the salary and other benefits if they are hired. They would thus, lose focus on the important aspects of the interview. Eventually, they end up not answering the interview questions as asked. When this happens, most people lose the best opportunities just because they could not focus and answer questions to the best of their ability. To avoid such mistakes among others from occurring during interviews, it is essential that individuals be adequately prepared and handle each question at a time without rushing over things.
Did you meet people who work in your area of interest? If so, how do you plan to stay in contact with them?
Networking Opportunities
During the PD experience, I had the opportunity to meet individuals that work in my area of interest. I interacted with them on a personal level which gave me the opportunity to open for collaborations and mentorship in the future even after the PD experience. Also, to stay in contact with most of the professionals that I interacted with, I plan to stay connected through professional networks such as LinkedIn. Such networks will enable me not only maintain contact with those that I have met but also meet newer individuals in my line of practice. Additionally, I will engage them through online discussions which will be beneficial in sharing industry updates as time progresses. The updates will create an atmosphere for nurturing the connections available...
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