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Case Study on Individual Psychology: Concepts of the Theory that Make it Appropriate for the Client

Essay Instructions:

there are two pages of instructions please do not mix them, there are 13 questions all together 1 thru 9 need to be 4 scholarly references with in text citations and reference page one reference must be from my book on chapters 5 and 7 the other 4 questions must have in text citations with references page. I need in nine days (9) days by 3-16-16. all instructions are added please read the instructions and answer each questions according I chose the individual Psychology theory because of the environment of a client it is based on there environment and it make me understand my own issues in life as to why I did what I did as a young girl also Alfred Adler left Freud school. the chapters are kind of long.

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Case Study on Individual Psychology
Institutional Affiliation:
Counseling psychologists have always been tasked with the responsibility of improving the normal functioning within the life span by aiding people in identifying and solving their problems through an approach that calls for decisions in copying with the daily stresses exhibited in life (Carrick, 2014). Typically, counseling psychologist employ the element of research in the evaluation of effective treatment approaches and to determine the novel practices that can be applied in assessing a client’s problems with the aim of changing behavior. The aspects of research employed in understanding the clients would include interviews, structured texts, observations and interest’s inventories.
Case Analysis in this Study
Ana is a 24 year old from Guatemala who is seeking for psychological help and presents the problems she has undergone. Ana alludes to the fact that she recently lost her job and is feeling hopeless (Carrick, 2014). She finds it difficult to sleep and eat and has over time lost close to ten pounds and parents he children individually since her husband is a military personnel serving overseas. She mentions she worries most of the time and often thinks becoming homeless and the state of her husband.
This according to her is her first attempt to try counseling. Ana is examined and it is discovered that she rarely makes eye contacts and is shaking. Her speech is also considered as halting and tears can also be seen in her face (Freire, Elliott, & Westwell, 2014). After a closer look on this client, the individual psychology approach was determined as an appropriate theory that would be used in counseling this client.
Concepts of the Theory that Make it Appropriate for the Client
One of the essential concepts of this theory that makes it appropriate for this client is in the fact that this approach bases its systems on how individuals see themselves and how they realize their full potential in their personal growth and development through self-actualization (Freire, et.al.2014). It is consequently essential to note that when there is no relationship between an individual’s perception and self; individuals are bound to feel depressed, stressed and anxious. Anxieties, stresses and depression are likely to lead individuals to psychotic behaviors.
Rationale for Choosing this Theory
The primary reason for choosing this theory is to help the client take individual control over her life with the aim of aiding her to become autonomous, a factor that would increase her self-confidence (Freire, et.al.2014). This approach will help this client in taking control over the therapeutic sessions and determining whether to continue or terminate the treatment plan.
Goals of Counseling
Some of the goals of this counseling approach would be to innate affinity to strive for perfection (Freire, et.al.2014). Additionally, this approach will also ensure that the client copes with her behaviors as part of an approach that would help her in gaining mastery with the unity of her behaviors that is exemplified by her responsibilities, choices, meaning of life and her determination to overcome these challenges.
Duration of the Counseling Period
This theory will be developed for a short-term duration that will allow the client to take individual control over the approach...
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