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Impacts of Implicit Gender Bias and Social Diversity

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Activity 2-2: Topic Introduction: Impacts of Implicit gender bias and Social Diversity
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Topic Introduction: Impacts of Implicit gender bias and Social Diversity
Social diversity is a social aspect that every population advocates for. The main aim of social diversity is to embrace different religions, cultures, economic statuses, and all genders. Understanding society is critical in promoting social equality and unity. The chosen topic, the impacts of implicit gender bias, is due to its adverse impacts on different populations. The paper describes the topic, population, lives and experiences, general education, and the thesis statement.
Topic Description
Implicit gender bias is a critical problem that adversely impacts social diversity. It refers to unequal treatment from different stereotypes; however, it is complex to realize when such activities and associations occur (Pritlove et al., 2019). For instance, whenever one hears of a surgeon, what comes to mind are the males. A stereotypical association between surgeons and men is a critical aspect of implicit gender bias. Besides, society has been streamlined so that they easily recognize specific genders with social roles, a problem that adversely impacts social diversity.
Implicit gender bias is a significant problem that needs immediate intervention to restore societal growth through improved interaction. Implicit gender bias is disadvantageous to a specific population and impacts normal daily association. A comprehensive understanding of implicit gender bias is the involuntary and automatic associations between attributes and a social group (Field & Tsvetkov, 2020). An individual can have explicit and implicit stereotypes unique from society norms. However, so long as the outcome leads to gender discrimination, it is termed implicit gender bias and has adverse consequences. Therefore, implicit associations are automatic and unconscious and must be addressed through comprehensive research to create awareness and ensure the beliefs are eliminated in society and social diversity enhanced.
Description of the Population
The population which is majorly impacted are the females. Females encounter implicit gender bias in different social environments, especially in workplaces. For instance, the social identity of females in the workplace is become a critical concern due to reduced equality and recognition (Pritlove et al., 2019). Females also face gender bias due to poor beliefs that they are not suitable for specific roles. Therefore, to address implicit gender bias, it is significant to consider its impacts on females. The adverse impacts are social stigma, inequality and demotivation.
Lives and Experiences of the Population
Implicit gender bias has adversely impacted the lives and experiences of females. For instance, females avoid ...
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