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Impact Of Technology Proliferation In The World Today

Essay Instructions:

Your essay should be written using an academic writing style i.e. formal register, third person, objective, impersonal, dispassionate and critical

You should use Australian English for spelling

Your essay should contain a number of references to relevant research and/or articles published on your topic

Research should be correctly and consistently referenced, using one of the recognised academic referencing conventions i.e. Harvard, APA etc

Your essay should contain a bibliography

Paragraphs should be structured using the TEEL methodology (or similar)

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              Impact of Technology By Student’s Name Institution  





  Impact of Technology Technology growth and changes that have been observed in the world today cannot be ignored as they are occurring exponentially. The technological advancements occurring each day could be attributed to the increased research and adoption of technology both in the society and within different other aspects like businesses. The demand for technology continues to increase and the development in technology seek to suffice the emerging needs of the users (Brotchie, Hall, Newton, & Nijkamp, 2017). The technological developments are extremely strong forces that can be utilised in different settings. As a result of this usage and reliance of technology, its impacts have been immense in both positive and negative ways. This essay analyses some of the common impacts of the technology proliferation in the world today. It is without doubt that technology impacts the society in different ways as its effects can be experienced in daily lives. The technology is however, a double-edged sword which is both beneficial and detrimental. The effects that technology has on the social system are diverse and have significant impacts on the daily lives of people. The technology has proliferated the modern world to a point that the effects can be assumed as people fail to take note of the transformation that has been presented to the modern society by the changes and advancements in the technology. The advancements in technology for example have been critical to the improvement of the living standards of people despite the economic difficulties being experienced. With technology readily available, a broad range of information has been availed to people, who would not have been able to access it without the technology. The availability of information presents individuals with a profound understanding of various dynamics of the lifestyles and this improves the way they live the lives. Unlimited information of almost anything that one requires has been made readily available through single tap on a broad range of mobile devices utilised in the world today (Tyner, 2014). This technology has transformed the way teaching within schools is undertaken as students are able to find information on their own Great technological improvements have been experienced in the healthcare sector which have advanced the access to care as well as improved management of chronic conditions which affect people (Beratarrechea et al., 2014). Access to information helps people gain a better understanding of health improving habits. Medical facilities have also found it much easier to undertaken research on ways of delivering healthcare using technology as well as installing technological equipment which have immensely improved the ability to deliver healthcare to the public. Doctors are able to treat patients in mediums like video conferencing which a cost cutting as they improve delive...

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