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Ableism, Prejudice and Oppression Analysis

Essay Instructions:

You are required to produce an Illustrative Essay using examples, readings and critical academic writing (2000 words).

The illustrated essay should demonstrate your understanding of the social oppression people with disabilities encounter by society as result of ableism and stigma, and the impacts of this way of thinking on the rights of people with a disability.

You will illustrate this through three examples located in film, tv, media including social media.

For each example, you will write a critical analysis that describes what the example illustrates (see list of themes below), outlines the thinking that underpins this example (ableism, stigma), and the impact of this form of social oppression and discrimination on the lived experience of people with a disability.

Please note you cannot provide three examples of inaccessibility to buildings - you must demonstrate three various ways socio oppression of people with disabilities by society is conveyed (e.g. three from the list of theme below)

List of possible themes of illustrations:

NB This list is not exhaustive. You may have other topics you have identified from lecture material and required readings.

• Prejudicial language and terminology

• Social and physical exclusion from community spaces

• Stories of direct or indirect disability discrimination in education, employment, transport, buildings

• Negative representations of person with disability - portrays of disability stereotypes /labels/myths/“othering” – including Deviant Roles - Burden Role, Sick Role, Freak Role

• Normative stereotypes of bodies and minds

Process of Identifying Examples Images

Your task is to:

• When watching film, tv, media or social media look for examples of Ableism, Stigma and Discrimination. There will be plenty of examples used in the unit which you can also use.

• Critique them: Ask yourself - what does this example illustrates (see list of topic), what is the thinking that underpins this (ableism, stigma - prejudices), and what’s the impact of this form of social oppression on the lived experience of people with a disability.

• You will use critical disability theory and other academic readings to help critique these forms of social oppression.

Feedback and Discussion of the Examples during Tutorials (week 3 to 6)

During tutorials/discussion board, you will be asked to bring along examples to discuss in tutorials with your tutor and other students. This will help to become familiar with how to critique them with concepts and critical disability theory.

In lectures and tutors, we will be covering different disabling/ableist conditions and ways of counteracting this with Critical Disability theory: e.g. Discrimination/Rights, “Normative”/Diversity; Stigmatised Language/ Voice & Representation, Exclusion/Inclusion. These discussions will also be helpful to guide your assessment critique.

Number of images:

You can identify as many examples as you want over the weeks, but in your essay you will need to include/critique only three examples/images.

Note – You can take images of something you see. If using media examples and photos from the internet - need to source these correctly. See:

Citing images: https://www(dot)citewrite(dot)qut(dot)edu(dot)au/cite/qutcite.jsp#apa-works-image

Proposed Essay Outline – Academic Writing

Include a Title page –That includes:

- Your name and student number

- Unit name and number

- Assessment task number and title

- Due date and word count

- Please title your submission as “FINAL – your name” in the title

On the next page commence your essay layout:

Introduction: (approx. 100 words)

Outline what the essay about – to illustrate through examples how ableism and stigma operate in society.

Description of the Key Concepts (approx. 500 words)

- Introduce and describe what is ableism, stigma and discrimination, how is it produced (use critical disability theory to help and readings to help here) and what is the impacts of these social oppression on the lived experience of people with a disability.

Image 1 Critique (approx. 400 words)

Your critical analysis should include a description of the example (e.g. direct or indirect discrimination - language, exclusion to building, school, work, representation of normative body image ), outline what this is an example of (ableism, stigma) and the impacts of this form of social oppression on the lives of people with disabilities. Use critical disability theory and your readings to help support your critique.

Note: Image or Screen shot of the example must be included with the critique.

Image 2 Critique (approx. 400 words)

Your critical analysis should include a description of the example (e.g. direct or indirect discrimination - language, exclusion to building, school, work, representation of normative body image ), outline what this is an example of (ableism, stigma) and the impacts of this form of social oppression on the lives of people with disabilities and their families. Use critical disability theory and your readings to help support your critique.

Note: Image or Screen shot of the example must be included with the critique.

Image 3 Critique (approx.. 400 words)

Your critical analysis should include a description of the example (e.g. direct or indirect discrimination - language, exclusion to building, school, work, representation of normative body image ), outline what this is an example of (ableism, stigma) and the impacts of this form of social oppression on the lives of people with disabilities and their families. Use critical disability theory and your readings to help support your critique.

Note: Image or Screen shot of the example must be included with the critique.

Summary of Key Learnings (200 words) (This can be in first person)

To end your essay, provided an overview of the key learnings gained from undertaking this exercise in terms of the social oppression experienced by people with disabilities – What stood out for you? Also reflect on why a critical disability theory approach is important framework for identifying and contesting oppression.

References: (not included in word count)

You need to list all the references you have used in your essay in APA format (see the CRA for minimum and maximum required)

CiteWrite from QUT Library webpage for tips on using APA referencing: http://www(dot)citewrite(dot)qut(dot)edu(dot)au/cite/qutcite.jsp#apa

NOTE – You must include the images with the text in the essay not as an appendix.


- Your essay will need to be in Word document or PDF – do not submit it in an Apple Pages document format.

- Use 1.5 line spacing. Keep to the 2.5cm all-round margins in this document.

- Written in academic writing third person accept the summary/reflection


- Name your document: SWB306Essay_YourName_FINAL


You will need to upload your essay on Blackboard via turnitin located in the assessment folder no later than 11.59 pm 16th April.

Please note if you submit after this time Blackboard via Turnitin will mark the assessment as late and the QUT late policy will apply this means you will get 0% – please revise the policy https://www(dot)student(dot)qut(dot)edu(dot)au/learning-and-assessment/assignments/submitting/late-assignments-and-extensions

You will also need to allow for heavy internet traffic around the final time you need to submit. See tips for submission: https://www(dot)student(dot)qut(dot)edu(dot)au/technology/qut-blackboard/assessment-on-qut-blackboard/submitting-assignments

Your essay will receive a Turnitin Originality Report - this checks to see if you have sufficiently written the paper in your own words. If you want to check originality before the due date - it is recommended you check originality more than 24 hours (e.g. 2-3 days) prior to the due date submission. If Turnitin identifies significant unoriginal writing, you will have an opportunity to amend this and resubmit before the due date. Please note you cannot submit again within 24 hour. If in doubt review tip sheets: https://www(dot)student(dot)qut(dot)edu(dot)au/technology/qut-blackboard/assessment-on-qut-blackboard/turnitin-originality-reportsTo submit - look for the turnitin icon below in the Blackboard assessment folder two weeks before submission.

Hints for Planning and Preparing your Assessment

The following steps may help you with the planning and preparation needed for this assessment:

1. Review the content of lectures, readings and tutorials and identify topics you are interested in. A list of possible topics is listed in Appendix A of this document.

2. Review materials or take a photographs of something you see while out an about that reflects topic. Bring your example to tutorials/Discussion board. You can share your work either by printing the images, or bringing along a USB stick with the images saved on it. This is an opportunity to discuss your work with your tutor and other students and to get further ideas for your assignment.

3. Select three images which you feel have the most significance to you and your learning about the forms of social oppression experienced by people with disability. Use Reflective question to help guide you.

4. Do further research on your identified topics. You can begin your exploration by using the references provided in readings and lecture material, but you are expected to read further. Please refer to the marking criteria (CRA) for guidance regarding the number of references.

5. Write up your critique using references to support your analysis. Allow yourself approximately 400 words for each image. https://www(dot)student(dot)qut(dot)edu(dot)au/learning-and-assessment/writing-and-referencing/critical-thinking

6. Writing style: Ensure your essay reflects academic writing. See:


7. Proofread your work. Make sure you have an electronic document with digital images and that you have adhered to APA 6th Edition referencing guidelines.

***A hint – read your assessment out loud to help pick up on errors.


The key resources for completing this assessment will be:

• Your lecture notes for key concepts related to disability studies (but please do not just reference the lecture – rather use the references from the lecture if you need to – you are expected to research beyond the references provided) – see CRA.

• Information and guidance given during tutorials

• Your set and recommended readings for SWB306 for key concepts related to disability

• CiteWrite from QUT Library webpage for tips on using APA referencing: http://www(dot)citewrite(dot)qut(dot)edu(dot)au/cite/qutcite.jsp#apa

There are a range of hints to help with learning and assessment: https://www(dot)student(dot)qut(dot)edu(dot)au/learning-and-assessment

Students can also access a range of supports to assist with learning: see https://qutvirtual4(dot)qut(dot)edu(dot)au/group/staff/student-support

Helpful writing and paragraph guides:




You can also find more learning supports under the Support for Learning tab in Blackboard


For each image, try to answer the following questions (these are a guide only to get you thinking):

What do you see here in the examples?

What does this example (photograph/image) depict about disability?

What is the message expressed by the image about people with disabilities and their relationship to society?

In what ways does the image depict the influence of the environment on the person?

What is the social, political, historical and cultural context surrounding this example?

What thoughts or feelings does the example evoke for you?

What can we do about this?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Illustrative Essay: Ableism, Prejudice and Oppression
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
People living with disabilities grapple daily with prejudice, ableism, stigma, bias, and discrimination. Disabled persons are indisputably minority or marginalized groups and experienced a higher vulnerability than most of the population. Ableism, called ablism, disablism, or disability discrimination, describes a phenomenon where people lining with disability are discriminated against due to the perception that they are inferior, thereby denying certain skill duties and responsibilities view that they lack competency, even when they have such abilities. These are some of the unwanted conceptual elementals permeating the social fabric of historical and contemporary. These concepts are highly intertwined. This paper will focus on how stigma and ableism are deeply entrenched in society by deploying critical disability studies to dissect how discrimination, legislation, socio-economic, and oppressions affect disabled communities.
Description of key Concepts
People with disabilities are often victims of perspectives and attitudes. Ableism embodies discrimination. It has a remarkable sense of bias against people with disabilities living with disabilities based on the perception bases on inferiority an superiority of individual’s ability. Ableism paints people as disabled, who require some transformation to match typical abilities. Ableism is anchored on harmful patterns of stereotyping such as sexism and racism, leading to harmful misconceptions and the generalization of people living with disabilities. Ableism is manifested via several ways, including infringement on disability rights espoused in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), segregations and seclusion of people with disabilities unjustifiably, failure to grant accommodative practices for persons having mental and physical incapacitation or impairments, and even, murder of disabled persons.
They constitute an invisible minority group that encounters ableism in daily life (Dunn, 2019). Dunn (2019) argues that ableism is an aggregation of biased ideas, assumptions, discriminatory acts and prejudicial attitudes, and discriminatory acts directed to people living with a wide range of disabilities. Thus, ableism creates a distinct social and psychological privilege and edge for outsiders or the non-disabled, leading to disadvantages for insiders or people with disabilities (Dunn, 2019). Understanding concepts sounding ableism and stigma in the context of disability within societies is intricate due to multi-factors and perceptional intertwining. One approach to gaining an in-depth understanding of disability is critical disability theory or critical disability studies.
Critical disability theory, which examines disability using critical studies, has historically advanced its arguments on disability-based inter-webbed interaction between people living with disability and economic, structural, and cultural exclusion, underpinned by underlying sensory, physical and cognitive impairments (Goodley, 2013). Critical disability theory is a heterogenous in thinking, diverse, interdisciplinary, and pragmatic approach composed of theoretical strategies to understanding disability in a more broadened context. The task of critical disability theory is to analyze disability as a cultural, historical, relative, social, and political phenomenon. Critical disability studies argue that disability is a product of how society is arranged, functions and develop its interrelationships that are necessary for nurturing the encounters of persons living with physical and mental impairments (Watson, 2012). Critical disability theory is an inclusive, pragmatic conceptualization approach to understanding how the notion of disability permeates through society and its reactions to it. For example, the discussion on disabled people is at the epicenter of socio-economic and political developments, where the disability-related notions and practices are encapsulated in social-economic programs and policies and legislations and. Despite such developmental efforts to boost the lives of disabled persons, people with disabilities continue to experience ableism, stigma, discrimination, and discrimination amidst political and social gains. Understanding discrimination, also called ableism, is crucial and may require examining viewpoints of people who don’t who have little grasp of knowledge on disability (Friedman & Owen, 2017).
Many schools of thought are describing disability as the source of social oppression. According to Goodley (2013), disablism constitutes social oppression where the social imposition of activity restrictions against people with impairments leads to disruption of their psychosocial well-being. Goodley, (2013) argument parallels other types of oppressive acts and attitudes, including sexism and racism. Critical theories paint disability in an intersectional method, where disability is understood and dissected via various approaches, including political, theoretical, and practical issues relevant to communities. A transformation towards critical disability theoretical conceptualization may be considered the logical consequence of disabled people and their allies in unpacking and shedding light on the intricacy of disability (Goodley, 2013).
Image Critique
Image Critique 1: Social prejudice/Discrimination of disabled Persons
The image above denotes harmful and discriminative communication against a disabled person. The photo shows disdain for disabled persons. It denotes a condescending attitude. The viewer’s perspectives evoke empathy for the disabled person, who is ignored due to physical incapacitation. The person in the image with a prosthetic leg is being discriminated against due to disability. It reflects how typical people do want to associate themselves with people living with disabilities. Some people are uncomfortable talking with people with disabilities and express some reservations while interacting with people living with disabilities. sometimes, it is an aggregation of myths, beliefs, and half-truths that create disruptive relationships between the disabled and the “aggressors. Misapprehension regarding disability may often occur frequent, leading to the expression of attitudes and opinions that derange the psychosocial welfare of the people living with disabilities.
The myths and misconceptions elicit distorted assumptions that are often caused by fear, missing in-depth comprehension, and bias. The overall effect is marked by negative images of disability, where the resultant discrimination act as impediments to opportunities. The most prevalent myths and stereotypes include warped perceptions that undermine the well-being of people living with disabilities. The individuals manifesting intellectual, developmental, physical, psychiatric, and sensory disabilities are on society periphery that disposes them to pockets of isolation (Rimmer, 2017). People with disabilities suffer from loneliness and low perceived social support. Their social isolation rates are higher than people without disabilities. Low social-connectedness is linked to poorer well-being (Emerson, Fortune, Llewellyn & Stancliffe, 2021). The overall effect of ableism or disability-related prejudice leads to avoidance of people with disability by the typical populations, which undermines the psychosocial well-being of the disabled persons.
Image 2: Social inequities including employment and job experiences
The image shows a case of equa...
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