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PHI 210: Ideas About Solving A Problem Using This Systematic Approach

Essay Instructions:

When faced with a problem, what do you do to solve it? This assignment asks you to apply a six-step to problem-solving process to a specific problem scenario. You will write a paper that presents a synthesis of your ideas about solving the problem using this systematic approach. As Voltaire said, "No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking."

Choose one (1) of the problem scenarios as a topic choice for your paper (Note: Your professor must approve your topic choice before you begin work on the assignment.)

Scenario 1: You have worked at your company for eleven (11) years. You have returned to college to earn a Bachelor's degree in order to increase your chances for a promotion. You are nearly finished with your degree, when a supervisor's position in a competing company becomes available in another state. The start date is in two (2) weeks, during your final exam period for your courses. The position offers a $15,000 per year salary increase, a car allowance, and relocation expenses. Your former supervisor works for the company and is recommending you for the position based on your outstanding job performance; if you want the job, it's yours. All of the other supervisors at this level in the company have Master's degrees, so you know that you would be expected to earn your Bachelor's degree and continue on to a Master's degree. Your present company offers tuition reimbursement, but the new company does not.

Review the six-step problem solving process outlined in the webtext, based on the article “The Problem Solving Process” located at http://www(dot)gdrc(dot)org/decision/problem-solve.html:

Step One: Define the problem

Step Two: Analyze the problem

Step Three: Generate options

Step Four: Evaluate options

Step Five: Make your decision

Step Six: Implement and reflect

Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you:

1. Define the problem in the scenario that you have chosen.

2. Analyze the problem in the scenario.

3. Generate options for solving the problem in the scenario.

4. Evaluate the options for solving the problem.

5. Decide on the best option for solving the problem.

6. Explain how you will implement the decision made and reflect on whether this option was the most effective.

The paper should follow guidelines for clear and organized writing:

Include an introductory paragraph and concluding paragraph.

Address main ideas in body paragraphs with a topic sentence and supporting sentences.

Adhere to standard rules of English grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and spelling.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA Style format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Recognize the hindrances to the decision-making process in order to apply problem-solving skills to a variety of situations.

Create written work utilizing the concepts of critical thinking.

Use technology and information resources to research issues in critical thinking skills and informal logic.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Problem solving Name Institute of affiliation Date Problem Solving Problem solving entails process finding solutions in details of a particular issue. The process may be systematic or mathematical operations which can be employed to measure an individual’s critical thinking skills. The problem to be solved must be an existing one. Whenever I am faced with a problem, it is necessary for me to understand how the issue came about. Critical thinking is a vital component in ensuring that the right decisions are realized. Problems are common in every day’s life; place of work, when traveling or when at home. It is, therefore, crucial for me to understand how to deal with them whenever they arise. Knowing what I want to achieve is a key approach to solving a problem. It is then followed by understanding the current situations of the problems which will broaden my mind to understand the problem better. In such scenarios, I will then generate possible solutions, evaluate the options, make decisions, implement and reflecting the solutions (Derrick & Jan 2007). The paper gives an analysis on how I will solve the given scenario using the problem-solving approach highlighted in the question. Definition of the problem Albert Einstein in his work said, “If I were given one hour to save the planet, I would use 59 minutes defining the problem and one minute resolving it”. Defining the problem, therefore, implies identifying the challenges, goals, and opportunities that lie in the problem. In this scenario, I will prepare a statement of the problem and review it. Waiting for a promotion at my current workplace where I have been working for a long period of time or moving to a new company, are the two options that I have. The problem arises due to the terms and conditions of each company. If I retain my job, I will be promoted to another level and my tuition fee reimbursed by the company which is contrary to the new company regardless of the fact that they are willing to offer me $15000 per year salary increase, a car allowance, and relocation expenses. The two organizations are giving good deals, which has a created a dilemmatic scenario. I will have to ask myself questions like: i. Can I solve the problem? Or is it worth solving? ii. Does the problem need an instant solution? iii. Does the problem have ethical dimensions? iv. Will the solution affect my personal life/religious life? Analyzing the above questions critically will hence lead me to the next step of problem-solving which is analyzing the problem. Analyzing the problem Analyzing a problem entails figuring out extensively the root causes of a problem and why it occurred. Analogous to the scenario identified, I will weigh the scenario aligning with the goals I have to achieve at long last. The new job opportunity that pays well with many benefits will attract many to go for it. Going to class to advance for studies is equally important, therefore not a matter to ignore. Certainly, the two situations are thus combatable and needs a voluminous analysis in order to come up with meaningful conclusions. It is, therefore, crucial to drill down the problem into small and detailed parts to get the clear view of the problem. For this reason, I have to understand why my company has decided to offer me a promotion after having worked with them without any salary increment or allowances. Is it because of my new opportunity or just their genui...
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