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ICC's Formation on Neoliberalism and the Realism and Liberalism Theories

Essay Instructions:

Please whoever is going to write the essay first of all I want that person to be someone who kn ow political science and international relations well because couple of times writers did not do good job and i got low mark. I have 39 hours for submitting so please try to write according this timing. Questions are on the file. Also, all the extra weekly files which I will put are the resources you should write from. Professor said to write with our own words. References should be only from the files and videos which I will send you, not an internet research. Please do your best and write the best essay you can, its very important for me. Thanks from now and text me whenever you have question. The 1st question is a must for answering. The second question is about 2 parts. Choose 1 part of it and write. Also, 2 and half pages for each question total 5 pages. In total you have to answer 2 questions. Thank you from now.

Hello, these are the files that I couldnt upload here because of higher mb, so you can download these too and also the other ones are in files here, if you check.

And these are the videos she mentioned for the essays, you can check them for answering the questions, you can give references from here too. Please do not give any other references except the files that i have sent you and these videos and remind that I have only 37 hours left. Please start writing the essay so i can know someone already chose and up to writing.

Week 5



Week 4




Week 3




Week 2




Week 1



here are the files which I mentioned, forgot to paste it: https://dropmefiles(dot)com/PZpWs

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Theories of International Relations
Theories of International Relation
The two major theories of international relations are liberalism and realism. Liberalism theory advocates for establishing interstate cooperation through which are more vital institutions can be erected to help nations sort out various problems that cannot be resolved on the archaic system. On the other hand, the realism theory of international relations is based on establishing a more vital state that can brush off any threat from the external community. This paper evaluates ICC's formation concerning whether the acts signify neoliberalism's support or falsification. The paper also compares realism and liberalism theories with regards to cooperation.
Part I: Perspective of Formation of ICC on Neoliberalism
Several experts see liberalism or neoliberalism as a strategy through which the international community can resolve issues in a holistic, diplomatic, and through consensus where a win-win solution is reached among the conflicting parties. To succeed in their quest, proponents of neoliberalism believe in solid international institutions' information. One such institution is the International Criminal Court (ICC). However, critics of neoliberalism have questioned whether the ICC's formation promotes or falsify neoliberalism. The answer to this question is that the ICC's construction supports and manufactures neoliberalism in equal measures. This is because as it provides a level ground for its member states to resolve their differences, within it exist elements of realism that outsiders can observe.
It is convincible to argue that the process through which the ICC was established indicates its support towards neoliberalism. Its formation resulted from consensus among different members of the global community who attended the global conference in Rome in 1998. Even after the inception of the ICC idea from the International Law Statute, delegates from the worldwide community continued to disagree to agree with each other in the spirit of neoliberalism until they finally managed to get the final draft. This factor shows a vital element of cooperation between members of the international community, who, despite having different views about the court's construction, still supported its establishment.
Secondly, in the spirit of neoliberalism, several member states, even with contradicting views on how cases at the ICC should be initiated, have remained in the ICC's support. A perfect example is China and the United States. Despite having a contrary opinion to the dictates of the Rome Statute and even went ahead to vote against it, they did not pull out their support of the ICC. The United Kingdom, on the other hand, decided to relinquish its position as a permanent member of the security council as well as its position in the like-minded group as a way of disagreeing with Singapore recommendation on allowing the security council to delay investigation in case of having unanimous support from the board. Despite these differences and defections, all the member states never engaged in any war, which could have been the case with realism.
On the contrary, observing the activities among members who support the ICC, some elements suggest that the court's formation is a falsification of neoliberalism. One of the principles of neoliberalism is to suppress politicking and encourage growth is among the global community. However, this is not the case, especially from realists’ point of view. Dunne, Kurki, and Smith (2013) argue that international cooperation is an avenue through which states take advantage of each other and that states rich in material capabilities thrive. This can also be said about the formation of the ICC, where the five permanent member states are given the authority to dictate significant decisions on how ICC conducts itself. China, the USA, the UK, Russia, and France, which are the original members of the P-5 at the ICC, are given extra authority to dictate the initiation process of cases at the ICC. This way, the ICC appears to be an extension of these nations where they apply their realist ideologies.
Little involvement by the Chinese government in matters concerning international relations, including ICC, is another element that portrays the ICC's establishment as falsified neo...
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