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A Hypothetical Design of the Game "Glass Ceiling"

Essay Instructions:

Paper: Each student is required to do a 3-5 pages paper on a topic of their choosing. The paper should be double spaced in Times New Roman 12 or Calibri 11. APA7 is required, No extensions will be granted, so please do not request one.

Topic: Please hypothetically design your own video game and focus on the culture and environment of that video game. Research this topic by focusing on the following:

• Look at the game from the different sociological perspectives (Functionalist, Interactionist, Feminist, Conflict)

• Who are the people or characters in the game?

• What do they look like? What are they wearing?

• How do they interact with other characters in the game?

• What does the environment of the game look like?

• What elements of culture are involved in the game?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Hypothetical Design of a Game
Student's Name
Professor's Name
A Hypothetical Design of a Game
Creators of video games look at various societal issues and use them to design the games. These could be based on economic, political, or social issues. However, games based on social issues are the most common. Most creators explore gender roles, leadership challenges, social co-existence, and intercultural and international relations. I will base my game on feminism and the role of women in society. I aim to explore the contemporary position of women in the community, male chauvinism, male and female gazes, and the gender fights that have caused gender-based conflicts for a long time.
Game Idea
The game is based on a puzzle-solving idea anchored on gender differences. It will be called Glass Ceiling. The name is connotative of the type of the game, and the players get a rough idea of what to expect even before reading the instructions. Glass is often fragile, meaning a player who reaches it can easily come back to the starting point. The protagonist will be a woman, a troop leader in the military. Before getting the title of troop leader, she has to overcome several obstacles.
Glass Ceiling will take the modes of a single player, double players or more than two players. In the single-player mode, a person plays against an automated system that responds to the player based on their decisions when playing. The dual mode will test the playing abilities of two people who take up different roles, while the multiplayer mode accommodates up to five players. The players choose what to wear and other accessories depending on the role of the player they choose in the game. After achieving their objectives and making it to the "ceiling", the player must invest enough effort to remain on top lest they tumble to the initial stage and begin climbing the stages. The general idea is to show women's ability in tasks deemed masculine.
The Game Environment
The game will be simple and designed in 2D. The immediate environment of the game will be a jungle and military bases because it is based on military activities. The first step will involve recruiting process, where the protagonist (a woman) passes the recruitment test. The tests will be set in the jungles and involve running, jumping over obstacles and endurance tests.
After the recruitment step, the player advances to the training step set in the jungle. The theme's color tone will be jungle green, accompanied by horror sounds to show the toughness of the exercise. The trainers will be the other players or the automated system depending on the game's play mode. If the player succeeds, she upgrades to a military officer with the lowest rank. They only go on to the next if they show progress at war fighting enemies, which are often automated. The next steps are also set in the military base, with the protagonist climbing up the ranks to be the troop leader after finishing given assignments.
The vegetation levels will vary for each level depending on the game's setting. Those wet in the jungle will have more vegetation which will be reduced when the player takes a different task set in the deserts. The military bases will also be set in the middle of the animal pack. The player will interact with animals like lions, elephants and cheetahs to strengthen their military abilities.
Game Characters
The Glass Ceiling will have a maximum of 5 primary characters that individual players can take up when playing. However, other automated characters will exist to help the main characters achieve or fail to achieve their goals. The protagonist will be a female. The player will choose to name them when picking their roles in the game. Three of the remaining four will be men meaning the game will have three males and two females.
The three male characters' primary roles are to make the protagonist's life more challenging and push her to the limits. This will cause the protagonist to quit and fail the stage or fight hard to prove their ability. These male characters will be harsh to the pr...
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