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Human Resources Interview adn Strategic Alignment

Essay Instructions:
Portfolio Project #2 will be a “mirror image” of Portfolio Project #1. You will select and interview a human resources (HR) professional in a leadership position within his/her company. The individual you select must be in a generalist leadership position (Manager, Director or VP). Please note: selecting a specialist (Training Manager or Benefits Specialist) will limit your ability to gain a clear understanding of the HR department as a whole. (With your instructor's approval, you may use a specialist.) You will conduct a one-on-one interview to secure the information needed to write a paper analyzing and evaluating the “strategic alignment” of the HR department to the organization's vision, mission and goals. Unlike in Portfolio Project #1, you will not create a strategic plan. You will secure the needed information through your one-on-one interview. Milestone Deliverables due Weeks 2, 4 and 5 Week 2: Portfolio Milestone: Interviewee Selection and Question Preparation (25 points of the final Portfolio grade) Submit the name and a brief biography of the individual you are going to interview to your instructor for approval. Also include a minimum of 15 questions you will ask in your interview to your instructor for review/approval. The questions need to be able to elicit answers from the HR professional that will ultimately uncover the current alignment of the HR department with the organizational goals, Although you will not earn points in Week 2 for this deliverable, it is a required component of the Portfolio Project, and you will lose points on your final project grade if you fail to submit this assignment as required by the end of Week 2. See the Portfolio Project grading rubric on the Course Information page for details. Week 4: Portfolio Milestone: Interview (75 points of the final Portfolio grade) Using the 15 questions you developed in prior modules, conduct your interview with your selected HR professional. Submit the questions and answers to your instructor for review. Make sure you gained all of the information you will need to complete your final analysis and evaluation paper. Week 5: Portfolio Milestone: Purpose Statement (50 points of the final Portfolio grade) Most of us are aware of the term “purpose statement” but are unsure of its real meaning within an organization. It is a statement describing the organization's purpose, or the reason for its existence. The purpose of an organization reflects a desired position in the marketplace. It should accurately answer to the questions below. The purpose statement is the written summary of those answers. -Who are we? -What do we do? -For whom do we do this? -How do we know when we are getting it done? The purpose statement is the written summary of those answers. The most effective purpose statements are short, concise, and direct. A good purpose statement is between 2–3 sentences. Review the purpose statement given to you by the interviewee and analyze the strength of the statement based on your findings from the interview. Submit your analysis to your instructor for review. Recommended length of analysis is 250-300 words. For all Portfolio Milestone assignments: Although you will not earn points the weeks you submit these deliverables, they are required components of the Portfolio Project and you will lose points on your final project grade if you fail to submit these assignments as required by the end of the weeks they are due. See the Portfolio Project grading rubric on the Course Information page for details. Final Deliverable due Week 8 Required Topics - Be sure to cover the following: -Strategic Contribution, -Personal Credibility, -HR Delivery Metrics, -Key Performance Measurements (KPM), -Action Plan for each functional area, -HR mission statement, -HR vision statement and objectives. Your analysis and evaluation paper should include: -Title Page -Executive Summary -Analysis and evaluation of alignment -Conclusion -Reference Page -Appendix (optional) Submission requirements: -Ten pages minimum (not including the title page, table of contents, reference page or appendix) will be needed to complete the project. -Support your analysis and recommendations with 5 credible sources documented in accordance with the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. Note: Any documentation resulting from personal interviews by CSU-Global students are for the sole purposes of fulfilling a course assignment and will not be used as part of a larger study, published, or distributed outside of the course environment.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Final Delivery: Human Resource Samantha L. Caramanoff HRM400-1 - Human Resources Strategy and Planning Colorado State University - Global Campus Steadham, Kyle June 26, 2016 Executive summary Today workplaces are increasingly changing due to globalization and technological advancement. The increasing changes in the world of work over the last decade are placing new definition and demand on Human resource. Human resource professionals are more than ever required to be more prepared to tackle the changing aspects of human resource dynamics. For HR practitioners it means having a clear understanding of implications of workplace diversity, globalization, changing skills requirements, the need for progressive re-engineering and improvement initiatives, employee involvement as well as the need for personal credibility. Organizations are demanding significant value to be added by HR practitioners. HR professionals need to make a significant impact on organizations by creating value from on the most vital stakeholders in any organization-"employees". Introduction Nike is known to be among the greatest producers of wear product. From Nike Company statistics, it is clear that the company is attaining their set goals and achievements as they purport in their purpose statement. Their purpose statement is very critical as it declares their determination in offering society with quality products and how they can achieve this. Their instinct motivates their existence, and they need to provide products for the present society and for the society to come. Thus it is a clear indication that they are there to excel, and they will work innovatively to maintain their trust with the consumers. It is evident from the statistics that the worldwide net income for the Nike Company keeps increasing from year to year which justifies that their purpose statement is being achieved. Their products keep on changing depending on the demand of the society. Comparing the type of the athletics products they provided in the late 20th century and the type of athletics products they produced recently it’s an indication that innovation is part of their advancement (STATISTA, 2016). Demand for their products as they enumerate in the purpose statement is always on top comparing with other products in the same field. Strategic Contribution In reaching this point, there are various strategies that they have been employed to ensure that organization continues to be competitive and the best at what it does. The paper looks into the strategies that the human resource has employed to give their employees the best environment to work and to retain them in that company. It is among the strategies that the company does to ensure it keeps being the best. Human resource development is one of the things that the company looks. This department has a responsibility of helping the employees develop their career by helping them align their career plan in the most efficient way. Organizational development, training, and development are some of the key aspects that the organization capitalizes on to help employees and groups, initiate and manage change. Training is essential in ensuring that employees acquire the necessary skills that will enable them to be productive members of the organization. Even after employing an individual the company provides that the individuals undergo some training to ensure they are fully equipped to do the job (Collins, 2013). The company realized that it was losing a significant portion of its human capital and thus saw it fit to change some few things like empowering the HR department so that it could add some value to the business. The functions of the HR department are paramount to the success of any organization given diversification in modern workplaces. It becomes problematic whenever the main aspects of the HR department are not well integrated into the organizational structure. The HR understands the demands of the business strategy and ensures that the right people are employed to see that these ambitions and plans are attained. In any business scenario, changes are inevitable given fast-changing business environments. Nike understands this, and that why the HR department has been widely involved in the in the organization’s business strategies to ensure that they well-crafted. Employees are trained effectively on what is required of them, how to implement strategies as well as how to adapt to changes in the implementation stage. Human resource can significantly contribute to an organization by implementing various strategies through a focused human resource base which effectively implement strategies that function towards achieving the company’s goals and objectives both in the short-run and in the long-term. Employees are important stakeholders in any organization. The HR department develops policies and procedures that ensure employee’s concerns such as career developments, competitive compensation and training are taken into account.HR also monitors activities undertaken by employees translating to the attainment of the set goals and objectives. To that end, it is justified to argue that strategic human resource gives the function of the HR the opportunity to act as a crucial partner in the business. Personal Creditability With the rate of technological advancements, increased globalization and the intensified completion for market and the best talent, organizations are under massive pressure to be more agile and productive by utilizing the available human capital. Personal credibility is highly attributed as one of the most essential completely for the modern day HR practitioner. Personal creditability is highly regarded because there is need to for HR professionals to establish a trustworthy relationship between HR practitioners and their clients. HR professionals need to be conscientious with information, trustworthy and have the ability to offer valuable insight to the organization. Personal credibility, therefore, forms the basis on why an HR practitioner should be largely involved in various strategic levels in a given organization. Without trust in HR, experts may find themselves locked out of the strategy table. The importance of personal credibility is to enhance abilities necessary to meet challenges of the modern business dynamics. For this to happen, there have to be effective verbal, and written communication skills, effective team relationships and a reliable track record (Kavanagh, 2009). With a better self-awareness and the knowledge of their abilities and personal profile, practitioners are better placed to develop and sustain the required relationships that are necessary for coming up with human resource strategy. To that end, providers of education who have the responsibility of developing HR, practitioners must be cognizant of the changing demands on the leadership and the increasing need for personal credibility development. HR professionals have to develop personal credibility in a holistic nature that will enable them to develop in self-knowledge as well as to obtain the hard skills that are necessary to combat that strategic challenges they will encounter in management. There is a greater need for self-reflection opportunities through inter-team and teamwork, personal profiling and personal feedback in a conducive development environment. With health knowledge on personal credibility HR practitioner’s better placed to come up with strategic and effective relationships that are essential in creating a human resource strategy. HR Delivery Metrics Human resource metrics are means of measurements used to determine the effectiveness and the value of HR initiatives, by including areas such as training, turnover, return on human capital and costs of labor. Training is an important aspect of this organization. Training is a performance improvement tool which ensures that employees perform as expected by the company. A successful training requires an assessment to find out what an individual may be lacking so as not to waste time on things that they already know (Kavanagh, 2009). It means that the assessment will ensure that resources will be put to good use. Several things that should be considered in the assessment, and they include. • Organizational analysis: this is an analysis of the needs that the business has and other reasons that call for the training to be done. In short, is what the organization is trying to achieve. • Person analysis: this analysis relates the potential participants and the trainer...
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