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Human Resource Management Training Proposal

Essay Instructions:

Imagine you have been selected to conduct a recruiting and staffing training program for a group of new human resource management (HRM) employees at a health care company. You need to prepare a proposal for the organization outlining your strategy for the training program. Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: Create an overview of the process and steps involved in human resource planning, recruiting, interviewing, selecting, and hiring of employees. Develop a comprehensive strategy for training new employees. Focusing on the role of the new employees within the organization. Propose two to four (2-4) training strategies aimed at motivating the employees to learn key aspects about their new jobs. Determine key issues that human resource management employees would be likely to encounter in the health care field. Prepare a plan that will enable the new employees to address each issue which includes instructional strategies, resources that will be utilized, and evaluation criteria for determining success. Design at least three (3) visual components that enhance the program you have outlined, such as charts or diagrams. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

An effective work force is a major component of the recipe of success for organizations. Goals are achieved maximally when the organization’s employees are at the right place doing the right thing at the right time. (Ivanovic, A., & Collin, P. H, 2006.)It is therefore imperative that an efficient organizational system is employed to ensure that the flow of activity in the organization is smooth, efficient and new employees are inducted into this system seamlessly. Rules and regulations binding the organization to the legal system have to be thoroughly adhered to, besides structured hiring of new employees.
A request to hire staff is made to the HR management. This request includes Job description and / or even questionnaires for senior positions. The Hiring manager then has to contact and / or meet with the Human Resources department to review hiring policies, create a position announcement and discuss the salary structure. The hiring manager has to consider several factors while executing his or her duty. These include: The hiring committee composition, the gender and ethnic diversity plan for the recruitment procedure, Applicants screening instruments, interview instruments, application qualification metrics, the interview questions and veteran’s preference policies. Before the positions are placed in the print media and other media, they have to be posted internally. Position advertisements are supposed to be sent to the Human resource department where the standard language used in the advertisement will be verified and approved. They are then placed in the print advertisements. The hiring manager then has to place all field specific publications on the websites and media.
To reach a more diverse source of potential employees, the universities distribution lists, job search websites and the print media have to be used when advertising for available positions. This is after the consideration of the advertising costs by the hiring department or the administration. The advertisements have to be placed in the media in order to be seen and replied to by potential employees. When the applications for the position advertised are received, the human resource department has to review the gender and ethnic diversity criteria. This is to ensure that all applicants get equal opportunity for consideration of the position in question. The interview instruments and applicant qualification matrix will function as the criteria for non-selection. The Human Resource then has to provide the hiring managers with access to the applications so that they can review them. Candidates selected for interviews will have their information listed. The ratios of the list of candidates selected for interview has to satisfy gender, ethnic and other forms of diversity as stipulated in the law.
The interviews are the responsibility of the Hiring manager and the committee that approves diversity checks. They set up the interviews. The Human Resource manager holds the final interview schedule. All aspects of interview has to be explored including the candidate’s ability to perform the duties he or she is expected to, their awareness of trends in the field they practice and also behavioral based interviewing should be conducted. It has to be ascertained whether the potential employee may be able to interface well with the other employees and the working environment. After the interviews have been conducted successfully, a pre-employment background investigation has to be performed by the Human Resource department. These checks are to be funded by the firm. A minimum of three professional references to each candidate should be obtained. They should be from the most recent supervisor backward. Confirmed information and checks should then be forwarded to the Human resource manager for inclusion in the employee’s personnel file. After the background investigations, offers of employment can now be sent to the successful candidates. Social and diversity equity also has to be confirmed and affirmed. Details like appropriate salary and other employment conditions have to be stated by the Human Resource department prior to making a verbal employment offer. Both Candidates that have been rejected and those accepted are sent a formal letter by the human resource department and a more personalized one sent by the hiring manager. New employees have to visit the Human Resource office to complete the necessary paperwork, social security verification before they are entered into the payroll system. Permanent employees have to meet -6286501781175Submit ApplicationInterviewHireApplicationApplicationComplete Information?Job DescriptionQualified?ApplicationContinue?RejectNOYESYESYESNONOCompare with other applicantsSubmit ApplicationInterviewHireApplicationApplicationComplete Information?Job DescriptionQualified?ApplicationContinue?RejectNOYESYESYESNONOCompare with other applicantsthe Benefits Manager to clear the necessary paperwork too.
Higher level view recruitment flowchart
When new employees have been received, it is important that they undergo orientation and induction into the firm. This is to ensure that they quickly become an efficient part of the workforce. (Jobs DB Employers Guide, 2013). The orientation process has to be gradual and spread out so that the employee is not overw...
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