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Human Development Knowledge Application Research Assignment

Essay Instructions:

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Essay Title
Demonstrate knowledge of the main stages of human development that explains why TWO of the people in the case scenario are behaving in the way they are and provide suggestions for how health and social care practitioners might be able to advise, guide and support them.
The assignment should be in essay style format with an Introduction and Conclusion. The work should be referenced throughout using the Harvard style of referencing. A Reference List should be provided which contains all the references provided in the assignment from a wide range of source material.
Jill married Frank when she was 20 years of age and four months pregnant. 
The marriage has been a happy one with Frank being a very supportive and considerate husband.
Jill had a difficult pregnancy and birth with Sophie. She spent several weeks in hospital with pre-eclampsia and after Sophie’s birth Jill had post-natal depression for which she received medication.
It concerns Jill to think about how ill she was at that time and although she coped well then she does not feel that she can cope so well now with the recent diagnosis of a malignant tumour in her breast.
She has not felt emotionally strong enough to tell Frank or the children about this and plans to keep it a secret from them.
Patrick is 5 years of age. He is a bright boy who enjoys going to school and has made many friends. He loves listening to stories and has progressed well with literacy and numeracy.
Patrick always has his hand up to answer questions in class. His favourite lessons involve listening to stories and painting.
Just recently Patrick’s teacher has noticed that he appears to be less cheerful and when he arrived at the School with a bruise on his face Patrick was very reluctant to talk about it. He told his teacher that the injury was an accident and that he had bumped his face on the side of the bed. 
Patrick is too afraid to tell them that his sister got angry with him and hit him in the face. He loves his sister and she has always been really kind to him.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Human Development Knowledge Application
Institution of Affiliation
Human Development Knowledge Application
Human development is a lifetime process of behavioral, physical, emotional and cognitive growth and change (Beckett, 2010). The process starts at childhood and proceeds through adolescent and adulthood to death. Study on human development is significant not only to the social scientists but also to psychologists, nurses, doctors, and any individual can benefit from the knowledge. The knowledge of why and how people grow and change can be applied to help people live to their full potential (Baron, 2003). Thus, forming practical application of the understanding this topic is the most important factor in the area. The case study reveals acquaintance of the critical stages of individuals’ development. Thus, explaining why the study characters are behaving in the manner, they are acting. The systems theory, behaviourism, hierarchy of needs and psychodynamic approaches are used to reveal the study traits and working solutions for the problems. In additions the models’ philosophies, knowledge of the field is employed to bring forward suggestions that can be used to solve the difficulties.
Jill and Patrick are the study persons. Jill, a wife to Frank and mother to Sophie, she is suffering from a malignant tumour. Though the family has been supportive of her, she has opted to keep this secret from them. She is not emotionally stable to tell this to her husband or her kids, regardless the fact that this is not her first severe condition. For instance, she had difficulty pregnancy and post-natal depression. On the other hand, Patrick is a five years old child. He is a bright boy at school and loves making friends. He is ever ready to answer class questions and have interests in painting and listening to stories. However, recently his teacher noticed that he seems to be less cheery. One day he reported to school with a bruise on his face and was afraid to say that it was his sister who hit him. Hence, he lied that it was an accident. The two scenarios are employed to elaborate the understanding of human development.
Theories on Human Development
Systems theory. It is the theory of human conducts that outlooks the family as an emotional unit, hence, employs system thinking to designate the complex interactions in the entity. Families have been found to affect their members’ feelings, thoughts and actions, hence, making it appear like people are living in the same emotional skin (Kerr, 2003). An affiliate of the family reacts and supports each other upsets, needs, and expectations hence making family member functions interdependently. A change in one’s functioning affects the whole family and creates reciprocal reforms in the family duties (Rousseau, 2015). The degree of interdependence can differ among families, but it is ever present (Lowry-Lehnen, 2014). Tension can intensify among this processes thus leading to problems. If an individual gets nervous, the anxiety can increase by spreading infectiously amid them. When anxiety spirits up, the family’s emotional connectivity become more tense than heartening. Eventually, one entity feels dazed, out of control or isolated. These are the persons who house the most lessen tension in others (Kerr, 2003). It is the most probable case with Patrick. He fears to create tension to his sister who has been kind to him. Furthermore, he fears to affect the family relationship.
The theory was developed by Dr. Murray Bowen, who was a psychiatrist (Rousseau, 2015). He formulated the theory based on system thinking. He used system thinking to demonstrate human beings as a product of evolution with know-how from family studies. It is assumed that emotional system that developed years back governs human relationship today. It affects human activities like learning. An example is in the case of Patrick whose degree of participation in class has diminished. Thus, understanding the emotional systems reveals to be a valid choice in an individual’s problem solving.
Behaviorism theory. The theory originated from the work of John Watson and was further developed by B. F. Skinner (Dublin, 2002). It is proposed that individuals’ differences in learning experiences are the key motives behind variances in their behaviors. The patterns of conduct are learnt either directly or indirectly. Skinner assumed that people behave in a way that they will receive favors in every situation, and it is human nature. He also argued that for one to change his negative status, he must change his environment first. The philosophy which opposes other psychologist views that individuals must adjust their inner self first before experiencing the fully changes they want. The model is deeply concerned with behavior than with feeling, knowing or thinking. It focuses on observable components of behavior (Beckett, 2010). Skinner thought that folks answer back to their setting (Giddens, 2013). However, they also operate and carry out duties in the environment to give rise to certain consequences. Thus, they participate in a feedback loop.
Skinner brought forward the idea of the operant conditioning. It may be the case with Jill. Most likely when she suffered in past, she created a lot of stigma in her family hence, fearing developing the same condition again, regardless the fact that her family cared for her to their best. Therefore, she wants to receive favors that she is well. This demonstrates the model’s concept of individuals’ desire for favours in their life progress. The model assumes that behavior is naturalistic, the feelings, thoughts, mental processes and intentions do not govern peoples’ conduct and behaviorism predicts and controls human nature.
Psychodynamic theory. The model describes personality regarding conscious and unconscious forces, for example, unconscious beliefs, and desires. Sigmund Freud proposed the theory in the 20th century. It suggests that personality consists of the id, superego, and the ego (Bekman, 2009). The term id refers to responsibilities for instincts and self-seeking pleasure. Superego is concerned with the efforts to obey rules from the parents and society while ego denotes the meditation according to reality between the two terms. The approach is most concerned about childhood experiences. Freud assumed that a person is born with id, and it drives the newborns to get their basic needs satisfied. For instance, when a child is angry his id demands food and this force him to cry till fed. The id is considered insensitive of other circumstances (Dublin, 2002). In a span of three years, the baby propagates and starts to acquire new things as he relates with the environment. This is when his Ego develops. The ego is deep-rooted on the norm of realism as it is the part of one's character (Beckett, 2010). It tries to fulfill id but contemplates the situation at hand, thus, harmonizing the Superego and the Id.
At the age of five, a child begins to learn ethical and moral rules and restraints imposed by either his teachers, parents or the society. This is when the superego develops. It focuses on moral values as it tells whether something is right or wrong. Thus, Patrick may be a victim of the superego concept. Maybe he considers saying that his sister struck him is wrong. Therefore, demonstrating ethical and moral values garnered. Thus, the act of Patrick proves the reality...
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