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How Government Legislation has Changed Agricultural Sectors in India

Essay Instructions:

Final Paper Question:

Farmers in India have recently organized one of the largest protests in history. What connections are there between this protest and the ongoing processes of neoliberal globalization? How might the protest of these farmers in India be related to other protests going on in other parts of the world? Use materials and concepts from the course to craft your argument.

Some possible resources:

https://slate com/news-and-politics/2020/12/india-farmer-protests-modi.html (Links to an external site.)

https://gulfnews com/opinion/op-eds/why-indias-protesting-farmers-are-right-in-fearing-for-their-livelihoods-1.75807944 (Links to an external site.)

https://www.amnesty org/en/latest/news/2021/02/india-government-must-stop-crushing-farmers-protests-and-demonizing-dissenters/ (Links to an external site.)

https://www.aljazeera com/news/2020/11/26/india-farmers-march-to-delhi-against-new-laws (Links to an external site.)

Your paper should be 1000-1200 words or about 3-4 pages. Please pay careful attention to spelling, grammar and punctuation. Remember that citations are required for both paraphrasing and direct quotes from either the text or lecture. Feel free to cite other books and articles as needed. Include a full list of works cited at the back (APA, MLA or other citation standard). Please submit your paper on the course website under "Final Paper" by 5 pm on March 16, 2021. If you have trouble submitting your paper online please email it directly to your TA: 


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Neoliberal Globalization
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Neoliberal Globalization
Agriculture has remained one of the primary sources of income to the national government in most developed countries. Agriculture plays a critical role in developing and perpetuating the economy. For decades, agriculture has been considered the basis of all basic foodstuff. Apart from contributing to the national income, agriculture is a livelihood, food source, and folder. It also acts as the source of raw materials creating a market surplus. Similarly, agriculture has enhanced international trade and, in turn, had resulted in the foreign exchange of resources between nations. It is essential to note that agriculture has created employment opportunities for most individuals and economic development. There is no doubt that farming is the basis of all activities in a country. There are countries such as the United States where the government invests a large amount of money in agriculture; however, in some countries, the farmers have never been given the freedom and enough resources to produce quality and efficient products. Instead, such governments support private sectors as the sole producers in the economy, a situation known as neoliberal globalization. Governments are coming up with laws that have never been in favor of Famers but in support of private sectors. For instance, in India, there have protested by farmers in opposition to the black laws enacted by the government. The article aims to discuss how government legislation has changed agricultural sectors based on India's focus. Besides, the paper will illustrate some of India's farmers' problems that have resulted in the named protests.
Pahwa Reports that Indian farmers participated in one of the most significant protests in the world's history (2020). At the end of November last year, several farmers in India marched into the street to oppose the government's three legislation. The agricultural reforms announced by the Indian government resulted in the most significant opposition in the history of the world and even India as a nation. According to Pahwa, the government was forced to reach out to the protestors after using authority to scatter the protest in a vein (2020).
Despite the growing technological and industrial sectors in India, the country's economy is more influenced by the agricultural sector as it is the source of livelihood for most citizens (Pahwa, 2020). Agriculture has also created more employment opportunities for most individuals in India. Despite being the only primary source of livelihood in the country, farmers have never gotten support from the government. Amongst the issues raised by the Indian farmers includes oppression by the legislations provided by the government, overexploitation by the Feudal landowners, leave alone the natural calamine ties such as locusts, the effects of the pandemic and climatic changes. All these have left farmers with huge market losses, massive loans, and market stagnation. As a result, several social problems such as poverty, suicides due to loss of jobs.
The Indian government has come up with three legislations as reforms to the agricultural sector. It is pointed out that the reforms have the potentia...
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