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How Core Values Help in Making Good Leaders

Essay Instructions:

This is a highly reflexive meditation on your leadership beliefs and values, which will help situate yourself in relation to leadership in the digital context. According to Gigliotti, Ruben, and Goldthwaite (2017), “Core values are the set of principles that shape your behavior and from which you assess the behaviors of other people. Understanding your core values and guiding principles will help you to understand your motivations to lead, along with the motivations of others around you. Additionally, identifying the values that are most important to you can impact how you go about selecting the individuals that you would most like to take guidance from in your personal and professional life” (p. 83).

Step 1—Introduce the reader to the purpose of the paper and foreshadow what will be discussed in the paper.

Step 2—Career Domain: Consider the career domain you want to be part of and will apply your leadership knowledge. Provide 2-3 sentences in your introduction discussing the career domain.

for step 2 I want it to be in the fashion industry.

Could you please finish this as soon as possible, so I have time to take a look at it and make some changes! Thank you, so much!

If you have any questions please contact me.

Step 3—Your Core Values: Use the 5 top core values you identified in the exercise in Week 10

Briefly describe what each value means to you (2 or 3 sentences).

Discuss how each of the five values selected relates to your career interests and might contribute to your success.

Also, consider how your core values might conflict with the dominant values of the profession you have identified.

Step 4. Conclusion: Finish with a brief conclusion that includes reflection on your experience with selecting your core values (e.g. Was this difficult? Was this easy? Did anything surprise you in the process? How might this exercise help you).

also for the core values, I want you to write about "happiness, friendship, love, joy, power".

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Core Values
Author’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code and Name
Professor’s Name
Core Values
Step 1: Introduction
Leadership entails influencing and motivating others to engage and achieve specific set objectives without compromising their dignity and integrity. Core values are a crucial set of principles that shape an individual’s behavior and enable one to assess others’ behaviors. My career domain is the fashion industry. I want to be a renowned leader in this sector so that I can start and operate my clothing line. The top five core values that will help me to be a good leader in the fashion industry include happiness, love, friendship, power, and joy. Specifically, they will help me to be compassionate, empathetic, straightforward, and understand my followers well. The paper focuses on how my core values will enable me to be a good leader in the fashion industry.
Step 2: Career Domain
I will apply all the leadership knowledge obtained in this course in the fashion industry. In particular, I have acquired various lessons pertaining to effective leadership. A good leader understands the skills and knowledge required when hiring people to accomplish specific tasks. The individual ought to have good interpersonal communication skills and the power to influence his or her followers. Moreover, he or she must understand the industry appropriately to enhance strategic decision-making. Some of the most significant skills in the fashion industry are critical and analytical thinking, active learning, problem-solving, and creativity and originality (Blanco, 2021). I have learned that an effective leader should listen actively and observe trends in the fashion sector to predict the future. In reality, the fashion industry is highly dynamic and a good leader should be flexible and adaptable. Large fashion companies, such as Zara, have a significant influence on the apparel industry since they can influence their customers’ behaviors and purchasing patterns (Viardot, 2015). They deliver achievable and realistic fashion to their clients and are recognized for implementing new designs. As a result, my leadership knowledge will enable me to become an influential leader in the apparel industry.
Step 3: My Core Values
The five primary core values that will help me be an outstanding leader in the fashion industry are joy, happiness, love, power, and friendship. They are crucial and facilitate ethical leadership, which significantly affects the behaviors and actions of individuals (Wang & Yang, 2016). Love entails emotions, beliefs, and behaviors that make individuals respect each other, be passionate, and show commitment. Joy is the feeling of happiness and ple...
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