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Project 3A Assignment: Homogenization and Diversity

Essay Instructions:

Project 3A: Homogenization and Diversity
This activity will enable you to
•Understand the process of globalization and its consequences for societies, cultures, groups, and individuals..
•Read the following from Lechner and Boli (Eds.), (2015). The Globalization Reader (5th ed.).
Introduction to Part VIII.
Chapter 46: Cultural Imperialism.
Chapter 47: Mapping Global Media Flow and Contra-Flow.
Chapter 50: Bollywood versus Hollywood: Battle of the Dream Factories.
Chapter 51: Why Hollywood Rules the World, and Whether We Should Care.
This writing assignment asks you to synthesize what you have learned in this module about the global culture industry and its relationship to the larger process of globalization. In a 1000-word essay (not including your cover page) discuss the ways in which media globalization contributes to both homogenization and diversity in the countries of the world. Use examples from at least two countries, of which at least one should be from the South (not Japan, Australia, Canada, the US or any country in Western Europe) Be sure to include a thesis statement and supporting arguments.
Your essay should demonstrate a strong understanding of assigned reading materials for the module. The paper, not including the cover page, should be double spaced in 12–point font.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Project 3A: Homogenization and Diversity
Institutional affiliation
Project 3A: Homogenization and Diversity
Ways in which media globalization contributes to both homogenization and diversity in the countries of the world
Lechner and Boli (2015) states that the modern media are a key factor in the globalization phenomenon. Developments in information technology have provided the infrastructure to enhance communication. Accessibility of the internet and satellite television have revolutionized how people share information and motivated increased travel and exchange of culture. Media globalization facilitates the production and distribution of information from one culture to another. Researchers show that as information communication technologies develop, the production of information is exceeding the consumption. Media globalization includes television, radio, film, music, the internet, and other forms of digital media. The intent of this review is to address ways media globalization contributes to homogenization and diversity.
Reviews of Lechner and Boli (2015) confirm that the US-led Western media has a global influence on people across the world. The content is available in both online and offline sources and in formats that can be accessed and used by the recipients. According to the authors, the influence emerging from the Western media can be attributed to their economic and political power. People in the world have in the past presented different ways of life, including dressing, food, language, medicine, and other aspects that made the communities unique. The aspect of globalization in the 21st century has popularized the notion that the world should become a global village. The impact of foreign media has been inevitable for most communities leading to the spread and adoption of Western cultures. Homogenization of cultures refers to a phenomenon where there is a loss of diversity, making people converge in an orientation to similar ways of life. Suggestively, globalization is the compression of the world as stated by Lechner and Boli (2015). From this perspective, it is evident that the globalization of the media has contributed to social globalization. People can exchange values and ideas more quickly when there are reliable means of communication and interaction through travel and migration (Kraidy, 2002). In this context, business ventures by international media players contribute to the impact of globalization. Major news and entertainment companies are seeking to expand their market by increasing viewership all over the world. Consequently, the dominance of the Western media has continued to proliferate in many areas
The Czech Republic is a country with a rich cultural heritage. The elements of this culture are evident in its theatres, cinemas, libraries, as well as galleries and museums. For long the country has had well-maintained cultural aspects, especially in the rural settings. Nevertheless, at least eighty percent of the newspaper and magazine operating in the country are owned by foreign operators with most from Swiss and German (Manyika, et al., 2016). According to Lyons (2010), media globalization can be perceived as a natural undertaking of corporate expansion at the international level. Similar to the case of the Czech Republic, most international news corporations such as CNN and BBC have correspondents in all parts of the world who feed the networks with local information. The expertise and capabilities expressed by these media houses have an impact on how the local people in particular countries react to a situation. Fundamentally, stations like Al-Jazeera have been used to lobby for human rights in the Arab World. Before the establishment of these media platforms, people in the Arab world had little advocacy for human rights and were less exposed to the outside world. In this context, media globalization has allowed the Arab World countries to start a unified battle against oppressive government regimes.
Social media has provided adequate means of sharing information, ideas, and pleasantries across the world. It has been fueled by the development of internet technologies, and the recent increase in internet enabled devices that are affordable to most people. Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, MySpace and other social media sites have millions of users who can send and receive information in the real time. The modern media platforms have had a significant influence in the homogenization of cultures across the world. First, the Arab Spring experienced in the Arab World can be attributed to the globalization of the internet and social media. For long, the countries in the Middle East and North Africa including Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Tunisia had experienced regimes of poor governance that were characterized by tyrants and dictators. Commentators on the democratic uprisings suggest th...
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