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Homework 13. Sport and Leisure in Ameer Society. Social Sciences

Essay Instructions:

Topic: Sport & Leisure in Amer Society

Start Time : Nov 16, 2020 02:56 PM

Meeting Recording:

https://temple(dot)zoom(dot)us/rec/share/2Ny3txBcNaarOUoC4gAz4YbIQllQFFfiLMftQIYQsTpGAwRmtj0aAeNBOCRuSlbt._-uhuI6yIGp673yN (Links to an external site.)

Please Summarize the Lecture/Presentation (2 paragraphs) and create 8 original questions based on the information in the lecture.

Topic: Sport & Leisure in Amer Society

Date: Nov 20, 2020 02:47 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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In a one page response please summarize today's lecture and include commentary on the dangers of celebrating too early and responses to the following prompts.

id: ASK SUPPORT (if they need the complete email:ASK SUPPORT) password: ASK SUPPORT

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Sport and Leisure in Ameer Society
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Name and Number
Instructor’s Name
Assignment Due Date
Sport and Leisure in Amer Society
First link: https://temple.zoom.us/rec/share/2Ny3txBcNaarOUoC4gAz4YbIQllQFFfiLMftQIYQsTpGAwRmtj0aAeNBOCRuSlbt._-uhuI6yIGp673yN
Many athletes tend to look for the easiest way out, especially when it comes to their performance. To boost their performance, many of them often turn to alternative methods like performance enhancement drugs. These drugs are not necessarily illegal, but it is discouraged by many sports organizations.
The reason behind this is because most of these alternative methods contain substances that are banned in the world of sport. Over the years, these drugs have become very common and more people are familiar with the drugs. This practice is common in student-athletes and according to the research made they turn to this alternative method because of the pressure that comes with being an athlete.
There is an imminent danger when one uses these drugs because they interfere with normal body functions. When any substance accumulates in the body, it eventually becomes toxic to the person using it. The accumulation of these substances eventually leads to many health complications and eventually, death. There is much adverse health condition that develops when athletes abuse these substances which end up becoming a threat to their careers. There are other alternative methods that athletes can turn to instead of depending on these performance-enhancing drugs.
Most of the nutritionists’ advice for athletes to take the correct nutrients to boost their performance on the field. Whatever they consume should play a major role in how they perform on the field. They need to watch their diets and visit a nutritionist to help them during this process. They are advised to take a few carbs and more proteins to build their bodies.
Why do athletes turn to performance enhancers to boost their productivity? As stated, athletes experience a lot of pressure, especially those who are still in school. They are expected to emerge the best in both areas, which becomes mentally and physically exhausting. They require energy to enhance their performance which is the main reason that most of them turn to these drugs.
How does proper nutrition help with boosting performance? The right diet is vital in ensuring that athletes do not burn out their energy. The correct diet also assists in increasing energy and improvi...
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