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Homework 6

Essay Instructions:
Find a *love song* - by one of your favorite musicians or a song your roommate plays all the time or really any random song about love and interpersonal attraction. The song can be in a different language if you can translate it for us. Find the lyrics of that song (e.g. online) and analyze them for social psychological principles we learned about - e.g. passionate versus companionate love; mere exposure effect; similarity and attraction; reciprocal liking; or any other concepts we learned about this week. Write a brief report analyzing the social psychological principles of love demonstrated in the song. Here’s an example of what this might look like, from “Take care” by Drake and Rihanna: In this song, the artists mention Drake’s anxious attachment style, as evident in the following lyrics: “It’s my birthday, I get high if I want to/Can’t deny that I want to,/but I lie if have to/Cause you don’t say you love me/To your friend when they ask you” [Drake] and “I know you’ve been hurt by someone else/I can tell by the way you carry yourself.” [Rihanna]. However, Rihanna responds with a secure attachment style and the offer of a communal relationship that also suggests companionate love: “If you let me, here’s what I’ll do I’ll take care of you.” Her attachment style seems to have changed since her previous experience of rejection: “I’ve loved and I’ve lost...” This means she belongs to the lucky 25-20% who can change their attachment style even after negative experiences!
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Love Song Analysis Student’s Name Institution Course Instructor Date Love Song Analysis The song under analysis is You Mean To Tell Me by Tatiana Manaois. In this song, Manaois displays companionate love. She shows this through the lines, "I can't wait for your love (to be with you, baby)/For the rest of my days, yeah (for the rest of, rest of my days)." She shows that she desires to be with her lover for the long term, which shows her need for companionate love. The love song also shows similarity and reciprocal liking between Manaois and her lover. As much as the lover does not take part in singing the song, one understands that he reciprocates Manaois' ...
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