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HLS 6080 DF3: The Differences Between MEFs, PMEFs, and NEFs

Essay Instructions:

Comment on these 2 postings as if you were talking in my voice, do not lose the name above each post. 100 words and 3 sources each:
Daniel Reed:
Before discussing the differences between MEFs, PMEFs, and NEFs, it is important to understand that they all revolve around continuity and continuity cannot be an afterthought for organizations as they strive to perform essential functions. The Federal executive branch prioritizes these three types of essential functions and serve as the business functions that must continue with no or minimal interruption. Mission Essential Functions (MEFs) are the agency-level government functions that must be continued throughout, or resumed rapidly after a disruption of normal activities. Primary Mission Essential Functions (PMEFs) are agency mission essential functions that must be performed to support the performance of NEFs before, during, and after an emergency. National Essential Functions (NEFs) are the eight functions the President and the Nation's leadership will focus on to lead and sustain the Nation during a catastrophic emergency. Directly linking PMEFs to a NEF requires the Federal executive departments and agencies to identify the most critical functions that must continue through an emergency and the planning required to perform those functions.
An organization's continuity capability, its ability to perform its essential functions continuously, rests upon key components or pillars. These four pillars are leadership, staff, communications, and facilities. An organization's resiliency is directly related to its continuity capability. Leadership is critical to provide support for continuity planning and ensure continuity of essential functions. It comprises the senior decision-makers designated to head an organization and has its survivability ensured by physical protection and having a prioritized list of designated successors. Staff must be sufficiently trained and cross-trained to perform their duties in a continuity environment. It is comprised of the personnel that provide leadership advice and functional support to continue essential operations. Facilities must be adequate, separate locations to ensure execution of essential functions and represent locations where leadership and staffs may operate. Communication systems and technology must be interoperable, robust, and reliable. Communications are voice, video, and data capabilities that enable leadership and staff to conduct Essential Functions.
Organizations must identify the people, communications, facilities, infrastructure, transportation, and funding needed to support continuity programs.
Timothy Morway: 
MEFs, PMEFs, and NEFs are three types of essential functions, which are critical activities performed by organizations. Because the activities are critical, these lists are used to identify the functions that must be prioritized in the event of an emergency, catastrophe, etc. NEFs are National Essential Functions. These are the eight functions that are the priority of the President and the national leadership during a crisis. MEFs are Mission Essential Functions. These are the government functions that individual agencies or departments must continue. PMEFs are Primary Mission Essential Functions. These are a subset of MEFs that directly support the continuation of NEFs. It really is all about perspective. The national leadership needs to prioritize the NEFs and ensure subordinate agencies are prioritizing PMEFs. We here at (federal agency) need to make sure we continue our PMEFs as well as our own MEFs. 
The four pillars are the essential elements that support being able to accomplish those tasks and ensure continuity. Leadership consists of senior decision makers before, during, and after the crisis. It also includes an established succession of command to ensure a capable leadership remains in place regardless of the crisis. Staff consists of those individuals that advise and support the leadership in making those decisions and executing them. Communication refers to the ability to communicate through voice, video, and data throughout the crisis in order to conduct the functions necessary. Facilities include the locations for the leadership and staff to perform those roles. It can include alternate and/or hardened locations. The four pillars of leadership, staff, communications, and facilities all rely on the foundations of planning and program management, which work to ensure that the pillars are properly in place.

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HLS 6080 DF3 Comments
Continuity of Operations and Planning
Northeastern University
Daniel Reed:
The Mission Essential Functions (MEFs) and Primary Mission Essential Functions (PMEFs) and National Essential Functions (NEFs) are the essential operations during emergencies that are part of the Continuity of Operations (COOP) program (Gantz & Philpott, 2013). The eight functions of the NEFs are performed continuously to support national continuity capabilities while facilitating resilience. The PMEFS support the NEFs, where government organizations or agencies are tasked with ensuring that the PMEFs perform continuously and are restored when there is a crisis. In turn the MEFs support the PMEFs, and these are the functions that allow the organizations or agencies to support essential services and protect the public safety when there is disruption of normal operations (Gantz & Philpott, 2013).
The four pillars that build continuity planning are leadership, staff, communications, and facilities (Bender, 2015). Leadership provides critical support to facilitate essential functions. The staff needs to be sufficiently trained if they are to perform their duties and the essential functions continuously. There is a need for robust and reliable communications and technology that support continuity capabilities. Additionally, there are facilities, which are locations where the execution functions are executed.
Timothy Morway: 
The three categories of essential functions that support continuity are the Mission Essential Functions (MEFs) and Primary Mission Essential Functions (PMEFs) and National Essential Functions (NEFs). The goal of continuity at the federal executive branch is continuing the NEFs, and in achieving this nonfederal entities identify the MEFs and PMEFS that are appropriate (Martin, & Landahl, 2007). The PMEFs are undertaken by the departments, with the MEFs supporting the work of these departments (Frances, 2007). The local and federal go...
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