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HLS 6050 DF1: The Article by Myers Published on March 2016

Essay Instructions:

post at least one media article that pertains to this reading. Please brief your article and explain why it is relevant. Post your media article by Wednesday of each week.
9/11 anniversary: How has terrorism changed in the past 14 years?
“In the 14 years since the 9/11 attacks, the face of terrorism has changed out of recognition.”(Lister, 2015). That’s how Tim Lister started his article that was published on September 10, 2015 on the CNN website. Since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, ISIS has posed a high level of adaptability and used different types of tools to survive after being temporarily defeated by General David Petraeus’ plan in Iraq in 2009. ISIS has gone from being AL Qaeda in Iraq or AQI to establishing their caliphate and reforming themselves out of the AL Qaeda circle to become known as ISIS.
Lone wolves are one of the rising threats that has changed since 9/11. It has become more pervasive that small groups, and single actors with little to no contact to any centralized authority are being inspired by Facebook, Twitter, and other social media forms. ‘But so diffuse is the threat now, and so much greater the appeal of ISIS to some who live in (or have left and then returned to) Western countries, that a stream of smaller but still deadly attacks has become the norm.” (Lister, 2015).
Understanding the act of terror and studying it as a dynamic war is a critical way to counter the threat of terrorism. It gives us different methods of creating adaptive defensive and offensive strategies. In addition, it helps us learn how to accept the back and forth in this dynamic war. “We are likely to look back at the last 14 years as only the opening salvo in what will be a very long war.” (Lister, 2015).
Lister, T. (2015, September 10). 9/11 anniversary: How has terrorism changed in the past 14 years?. CNN.COM. Retrieved from http: http://www(dot)cnn(dot)com/2015/09/10/us/9-11-how-has-terror-changed/

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Article Analysis
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Article Analysis
The article by Myers published on March 2016 also addresses the changes that have ocuured in terrorsim since the year 2000. This article relates to the reading becuses the 9/11 incidence occurred in the year 2001. Like in Lister’s article, Myers also agrees that the impact of terrosism has increased since the year 2000 because the terror group have posted a high level of adaptabilty as well as advanced sophisticated methods to survive (Myers, 2016). Terrorism has rapidly spread across Europe and in both Nothern and Central part of Africa.
In addition, Myers noted that terrrosist have switched from targeting the super power countries such as the United States and extend the attacks to even the African countries such as Ivory Cost, Kenya and Nigeria. Another noted change after the 2000 and the 9/11 is that terrosim has become more serious across the world as they are hig...
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