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HLS 6030 FinaL Exam: Avoiding Failure How to be a Great Intelligence Analyst

Essay Instructions:

David Moore presents a compelling description of the challenges intelligence analysts face in overcoming natural human tendencies related to thinking, discovery, and analysis. I have drawn from his insights to formulate this question.

Intelligence issues for homeland security involve uncertainty, mysteries, and risk. Analysis of current complex homeland security issues requires a productively imaginative process of inquiry. Questions an analyst asks not only serve as devices for attracting existing evidence, but also as devices for generating new evidence not presently considered. In this way, analysts more thoroughly examine complex issues and are more likely to create novel intelligence relevant to homeland security customers.

However, such reasoning is at odds with how people – including intelligence analysts – naturally think. Instead, people tend to seek to confirm that which they already believe or want to believe, and are beset by mindset, perception, and cognitive bias, among other forces. Most people thus are compelled to use evidence to support their preferred position even when there is compelling evidence that an alternative hypothesis may actually be the correct one.

So, how can analysts avoid such thinking?

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Avoiding Failure: How to be a Great Intelligence Analyst
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March, 2017
Intelligence analysts will most likely work in a field where they are comfortable and knowledgeable about. A good analyst must possess certain skills, attributes and qualities in order to succeed in their chosen field. They must be able to habitualize a set of personal traits in order to train their minds to naturally respond to different situations.
Their main task is to collect as much significant information as possible regarding a topic or a target. In order to successfully do this, an intelligence analyst must properly do specific researches, witness interviews, complex fieldworks and loads of technical paper work. The intelligence analyst presents his or her work in a conducive report that is simple and comprehensible to their customers or audiences.
The weight of responsibility that rests on intelligence analysts are greatly contributed on by the cruciality of their actions. Part of their work is to assess threats from places or specific groups that might pose a threat to their organizations or customers. this creates a need to go over various details of the mission that might put the mission in danger. The analyst must sort out only the most significant information while also looking at the not so significant details that might entail a threat to the operations in order to come up with a comprehensive report.
Intelligence analyst must work closely with their clients. Whether it be local governments, private sectors or individuals, an analyst must gain the trust of the client and vice versa. This ensures that the informational transactions are private and professional. Trusting the client and being trusted brings about a motivation to complete the mission in the best manner.
Having various skills also help the analyst in his work. A variety of skills can come in handy in different situations and for intelligence analysts, work is always unpredictable. They must be able to see the topic through a bigger picture. A capacity to see things in a wide perspective is usually a talent but it can also be gained through perseverance and hard work. they must be able apply meta-analysis to every aspect, and every detail of their assignment to minimize the chances of failure.
A great intelligence analyst must possess discipline to accomplish their goals. Analysts can avoid failing if they follow an intricate protocol in doing their work. here are some skills and traits that a good analyst will have.
Great analysts are more akin to artists than scientists, hence my reference to musicians and painters above. However, they also must have the discipline to approach each task in an orderly and scientific manner so they can reproduce the results and show the background materials that led them to the conclusions they drew.
Discipline will dictate how an analyst will tackle his or her work. It drives the seriousness of the mission and will create a foundat...
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