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High Rates Of Economic And Demographic Growth In Developing Country

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Most developing countries have a high economic and demographic growth while in major economies like us and China the economy and population growth has slowed. In the case with China, the slow population increase has prompted the government to end the one-child policy since the country may face a catastrophic human resource shortage in the future. This is unlike in developing countries, especially in Africa and South America where the population has been on the rise. Some developing countries have poor economic growth, but most of them have high economic growth rates.
* Reasons for the growth of most cities in developing countries about the high level of migration from rural areas to urban areas.
Most cities in developing countries are ballooned for varied reasons. First, cities have better employment opportunities than in the countryside. The economic activity in rural areas of most developing countries is farming, which is done on a small scale and hardly productive to meet the needs of a family in the 21st century CITATION Gri13 \l 1033 (Griggs, et al., 2013). Farming in the age of global warming and erratic weather patterns is hardly sustainable. Thus, most non-disabled and productive age people migrate to towns in search of blue- and white-collar jobs which can make them earn a decent living. The rural areas are left with the elderly and mostly low-income families. Thus, you find that most cities in developing countries have ghettos and slums as the city tries to house the high number of people who come to it.
Secondly, cities in developing countries are better facilitated and have a relatively better standard of living than rural areas. There are facilities such as schools and better roads, unlike the rural areas where these social amenities are lacking. Children in cities are more likely to school than those in rural areas in developing countries because schools are abundant in their neighborhoods unlike in rural areas where even reaching the schools is very challenging in the unforgiving wild environment. They are also burdened with trying other hardships such as unclean water, which is already hardly accessible and famine CITATION Sab10 \l 1033 (Sabates, Westbrook, Akyeampong, & Hunt, 2010). Cumulatively, the rural environment makes it hard for children to even finish elementary schooling and therefore some parents opt for cities where they believe they give their children a better shot of life through education through the environment is also not very conducive. Additionally, cities have better security than in rural areas. Ethnic and tribal clashes in many rural areas heighten insecurity caused by conflict over limited resources and food scarcity CITATION Bri11 \l 1033 (Brinkman & Hendrix, 2011). The people opt to live in conglomerated environments like cities for security.
* Reasons, why the poor are particularly vulnerable to natural and human, caused hazards.
One of the things which make the poor vulnerable to natural and human-caused hazards is their economic power. Economic power from now on refers to their economic abilities defined by their levels of income and property to their name. Most poor people are hardly educated because they live in poorly facilitated educational facilities. They have higher dropout rates, and their academic performance is very low which translates to slimmer chances of getting a decent paying job in their lifetime CITATION Sab10 \l 1033 (Sabates, Westbrook, Akyeampong, & Hunt, 2010). Concisely, they have very low employable skills, and therefore they are forced to do menial and manual work which is poorly paid. Additionally, they are unable to afford insurance especially if it is not subsidized and thus any human-caused or natural hazard hits them the most. People with lower income find themselves scrambling for what is left by the higher earning individuals because they can afford more resources. They find themselves living in the worst places where the land value is very low because that is what they can afford. The rich take up the relatively more secure and better places because they can afford their cost. When natural disasters such as floods come in, they affect places with poorer drainage where the poor mainly live, and the rich relatively pay less for the same hazard. If it is earthquakes, the rich live in relatively stronger and better houses which can withstand earthquakes with higher Richter scale ratings while the poor live in crowded areas wh...
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