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Green Revolution

Essay Instructions:

Journal (Weight: 40% of the final grade)-reflecting writing

Course-food,politics and choices

This journal provides the student with an opportunity to critically reflect on their learning of their favourite topics/ lessons from the course.

Journal Description:

The student is required to develop a reflection journal on any four prior lessons from our course.

The journal will need to consist of four (4) 300-word reflections on each of the four lessons selected.

Remember this is a reflection style paper and should not read like a summary. Please do not summarize the lesson and the content. But rather reflect on the content. It should emphasize how the class made you feel, and what, if any, changes in your buying/ consumption habits may result after listening to the lesson.

Focus on how the subject made you feel, your opinions on the subject, what you would change or do differently, any criticism of the topic/ lesson, the PPT information, videos, guest lecture, etc.

*Please Note*: a paper will not receive a good grade if it reads like a summary. A summary is a neutral restating of the information. Simply just mentioning which lesson you are reflecting on is sufficient. Then reflect on the content. I know the information please do not recite it again.

Please reflect on your learning and the lesson.

Formatting and Style

Length: Select four (4) lessons. Approximately 300-word reflection for each.

Format: It is highly suggested to write each reflection on a separate page with a heading. Within each heading you should be implementing proper writing etiquette. Include a title page and the four (4) reflections. 5 pages in total.

** A reference page is not required as there should be no need to cite information. This should be your reflection writing. No need to cite the PowerPoint/ lesson.

Use Times New Roman, 12 pt. font. Double spaced. Use proper writing etiquette such as full paragraphs. No bullet points.

I am attaching some topic lesson's ppts ,and then you read them one by one carefully.And then please tell me which 4 topics you would choose before your writing ASAP. One page one topic and 300 words or above...

After tell me about your 4 topics you will write,i will send you some videos related to the topic lessons the instructor gave us to read .

Final journal, I need 4 pages ,4 topics...no title page and reference page.just personal reflection and opitions or thoughts &comments,etc.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Journal-Reflecting Writing Report
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Institutional Affiliations
Course Name and Number
Due Date
Journal-Reflecting Writing Report
Green Revolution
I feel that the topic of the green revolution was inspirational and an eye-opener about the approaches that the world should embrace to improve its opportunities of supplying sufficient food quantities for the already ballooning global population. The realization that the first green revolution inspired by renowned personalities like Norman Borlaug, as revealed in the videos and PowerPoints, requires rejuvenation through a second one made me concerned about the role that everyone plays in the current problem. Although I recognize that my inputs as an individual may not bear immediate impacts, the learnings from this lesson have increased my awareness about the value of collective contributions to this change. As a result, I am determined to be part of this process, even in modest ways, through awareness creation in my communities.
I believe that issues surrounding the second green revolution relate to high-tech improvements of the milestones achieved by the first one. The videos and the PowerPoints affirm this observation through their exploration of the rice miracle and other innovations by Monsanto and various companies. In this context, I think the global governments should become actively involved in this process rather than leaving multinational corporations like Monsanto with the absolute responsibility for initiating the process. Governments have limitless resources that they can redirect to this objective. I think that their involvement would fast-track the process because of the attention that would emerge. My suggestion is that sufficient resources would support the scientists in devising or formulating advanced approaches for achieving the projected goal. Another reason why I feel the governments must be part of this process is because of the challenges that make it difficult for farmers to implement green revolution initiatives – finances. Once these players intervene by providing the necessary infrastructure, it will be possible to realize the next revolution.
In conclusion, one aspect that emerges from the readings related to this topic is that information is fundamental for all stakeholders. The primary lesson that I gained is that while knowledge may exist among the leading research institutions, the priority should be disseminating it to the local levels and ensuring that the farmers can implement emerging strategies to improve the resilience and productivity of their crops.
Although the topic of GMO foods has remained largely controversial and divisive in the public domain, I now feel that this debate should end. It was interesting to witness the discussions between the interviewer and different interviewees about this topic and their diversified opinions on the topic. I believe that the videos and PPTs for this discussion have clarified fundamental areas that remained vague about the discourse. One of the areas that piqued my interest and I agree with them is that the genetic engineering approaches employed by scientists are consistent with the cross-breeding people have been implementing for decades, only that it is more sophisticated due to technological advancements. Unlike before interacting with these materials, I understand that some arguments about GMO principles are exaggerations to mislead the perspectives of the public against the agricultural transformations that have become critical in the modern era.
I have realized that almost all foods I have been consuming have some element of genetic modification. Initially, before watching the video and reading the PowerPoint, I was reluctant to purchase any food item with a GMO label because I feared it could adversely affect my health. However, the surprising fact is that I no longer worry whether the food item is organic or GMO because of the understanding that none of them presents health risks. I suggest that people should receive extensive education to dispel the dominant myths about genetically modified food items. I have noted that many consumers remain cautious and oppose this discussion due ...
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